Who was Cain’s father in the Bible?

what fruit did adam and eve ate in the garden of eden
- Was Cain an offspring of the serpent? (This is a good one.) If so, why did Eve not conceive until after Adam knew her? The same… The next question’s the same way:
- Was it a-a literal tree from which Eve ate the fruit? She saw that it was good for food.
178 All right, brother, sister, ever who it was, let’s go back into Genesis and find out something here. Let’s go to Genesis 3:8, if you will. All right, and listen real close now.
179 Now I’ll bring the story up. It was all pure and holy, there was no sin or no defilement. Now I’ll get the… your… this first question first. The tree in the life… the middle of the garden, in the midst of the tree. The tree was “the woman.” Now I’ll prove that to you by the Scriptures if you’ll just be patient a few minutes.
180 We’ll get first whether she was… whether she conceived before she knew Adam or not, or ’fore… Listen:
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden, and in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God
among the trees of the garden.
And the LORD… called unto Adam, and said… Where art thou?
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;… (now, he didn’tknow that the day before; something had happened,something revealed to him that he was naked) and I hid myself.
And he said, Who told thee that thou were naked? Has thou eaten of the tree,… ?
181 Eaten of the tree make him realize he was naked? As I’ve often said, (this is no joke, I don’t mean it for a joke) “But if eating apples caused women to realize they’re naked, we better pass the apples again.” See? It wasn’t a naked. It wasn’t a tree, a apple they eat, it was sexually. Watch:
… Has thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
And the man said, The woman whom thou givest me, to be with me, she gave me… the tree, and I did eat. And the LORD… said unto the woman, What is this that thou has done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me,… (huh?)… The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. (long time before she conceived, see, by Adam)
182 Adam knew her, and she conceived and brought forth-and brought forth Abel.
183 But I want to ask you, just from a literal standpoint. Now to prove to you that she was the tree, every woman is a fruit tree. How many know that? Aren’t you the fruit of your mother? Certainly, you are. “And in the midst of the fruit, or in the midst of the tree, the fruit that she not touch.”
184 If you’ll notice, wasn’t Jesus the Tree of Life? Didn’t He promise over in Saint Matthew… or Saint John, the 6th chapter, “I am the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven”?
185 If a man eats of the woman… And look, through the birth of… by the woman, we all die; ’cause we’re subject to death (is that right?) through the birth of the woman. Through the birth of the man, we all live forever. The woman is a tree of death, the man is a tree of life; for the woman doesn’t even bear life in her. That’s exactly right. The-the life germ comes out of the man, correctly. Goes into the woman, and the woman’s nothing but an incubator; and the baby’s not connected, only the navel cord. Not one speck of the mother’s blood is in the baby; born in her blood, but not one speck in the baby. Go find… or read the doctor’s book, or ask your doctor, you’ll see. It’s not there, no, sir, not one speck of it at all. She’s just the egg, that’s all. And life comes from the man.
186 That is a beautiful type to show that through the woman, through natural birth, we all have to die, because we’re dead to begin with; and only through the Man Christ Jesus can we live. And there’s the two trees in the Garden of Eden. Can’t you see it?
187 And watch! And in that day there was a Cherubim set guard this tree. That if they ever tasted that Life Tree, they would all live forever. How many knows that? They’d all live forever. And the first time they could taste it… The Angel said, “We’ll guard It.” And they put Cherubims there with those flaming swords towards the east to guard It. They took It back to the East, and guarded that Tree with flaming swords so they could not get in to get It (this Tree).
188 And when Jesus come, He said, “I am the Bread of Life, that a man eats this bread will never die.” There’s your Tree.
189 There’s your woman, there’s your sex that brings death. Just as sure as there’s a sexual desire, there’s death left by it. And as sure as there’s a spiritual birth, there’s Eternal Life left by It. Death come through the birth of a woman, and Life come through the birth of a Man. Amen! There you are.
190 Now let’s take back to Cain. Could you tell me where that spirit and that meanness come from? If Cain… look, if Cain was the son of Adam which was a son of God, where did that evil come from? The first thing when he was born, he hated, he was a murderer, he was jealous. And now take the nature of his daddy, the very start in the beginning,
Lucifer, and he was in the beginning… he was jealous of Michael, what started the whole trouble. How many knows that? And Cain was the nature of his father, which he was jealous of his brother and slew him. That pure… that nature could not come out of that pure stream. It come… had to come out of this perverted stream. And notice Cain, as soon as he was borned.
191 And then Abel was borned after him, then she conceived by Adam, and he knew-knew her and she brought forth the son Abel. And Abel was a type of Christ; and when-when Abel was killed, Seth took his place; death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, in type.
192 But, now, Cain worshipped; all of his carnal works, just like the carnal church today: they go to church, they worship. Cain worshipped; he wasn’t an infidel, he wasn’t a communist. Cain was a believer; he went to God, he built an altar. He done every religious thing that Abel done, but he didn’t have the spiritual revelation of the will of God. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! There you are. Do you see It? He didn’t have the spiritual revelation, and that’s what’s the matter with the church today. And Jesus said He’d build His Church on that spiritual revelation. You get It? Oh, my, your eyes can come open now. See, the spiritual revelation.
193 Cain come: he built an altar, he worshipped, he brought sacrifice, he knelt down, he praised God, he worshipped God, he done everything religious that Abel done. And God flatly refused him because he didn’t have the spiritual revelation!
194 Follow that same line of Cain: right down through to the ark, from the ark right up into Israel, from Israel right on into Jesus, and from Jesus right on till this day; and see if that carnal, fundamental church, stiff and starch, scholarly, I mean man who have the scriptures, who knows all the doctrine and the theologies, they can explain it, boy, just like [Brother Branham snaps his finger-Ed.] that, but without spiritual revelation! That’s right. That’s the doctrine of Cain.
195 The Bible said, “Woe unto them! ’cause they went the doctrine of Cain, run in the errors of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.” The same Book, Jude, he said, “They was predestinated to this condemnation.” Certainly, they are. See? What was Balaam? He was a bishop. He was over all the church. He come up there just as fundamental as he could be. He offered… Look at him standing up there in the celebrity, standing up there in their great celebrity. And they wasn’t infidels, they were believers.
196 That-that tribe of Moab come out of Lot’s daughter. Lot who lived… Lot’s daughter who lived with their father, and conceived and brought a child, and that child was… sprang the tribe of Moab. And they were a great denomination. Great, flowery people, and they had princes and kings and celebrity. They had bishops and cardinals and everything.
197 And here come a bunch of holy rollers up, the other
group, Israel; a little ol’ bunch that was undenomination, interdenominationals. And they done everything there was on the map to be done, bad too. But what it was, they had the spiritual revelation, and God was with them in a Pillar of Fire.
198 Oh, I-I know they had carnal things, and people said, “Such a bunch of backwash as that, nothing to do but kick them out.” But they had the spiritual revelation, and they had a smitten Rock, they had a brass serpent, they had a Pillar of Fire going with them. Hallelujah! I know you-you think I’m excited, but I’m not. I just feel good.
199 Notice! When I think, “That same God, today, lives with us.” It’s still the spiritual revelation of the Word. Certainly, it is. It’s Eternally right. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Yes, sir.
200 Here stood him up there, the fundamental; them bunch of Baptists and Presbyterians stood up on the hill, and got their bishop out there. And they were just as religious, and the same kind of religion, they worshipped the same God. They said, “Look down there at that bunch of trash. Why, they don’t even have a denomination. They’re nothing but a bunch of quacking, squealing, holy rollers.”
201 Is that right? Exactly, they was. If you don’t believe they were holy rollers, take back in Genesis and find out when they crossed. And a miracle was performed, and Miriam grabbed a tambourine and went down the bank, beating it; dancing in the Spirit, and Moses sung in the Spirit. If that ain’t a bunch of what we called free… holy rollers, I don’t know what is; singing and jumping and praising. And all the time the nations hated them, but God was with them. They had the spiritual revelation, was following that Pillar of Fire.
202 And Moab said, “Now, looky here. We’ll call all the cardinals and all the bishops, and all the presbyters, and get them out here. We’ll do something about it, ’cause we’re a religious nation. We’ll not let that propaganda get mixed up in our fine denomination.”
203 And so they got them out there. And they built twelve altars; that’s just exactly what Israel had, twelve altars. They put twelve sacrifices on it, bullocks; just exactly what Israel had, what God required. They put twelve sheep on it, representing the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ; twelve sheep in both places.
204 All the celebrity, the bishops and all, stood around. They lit the sacrifice. They prayed, they raised their hands to Jehovah and said, “Jehovah, hear us!” What was they trying to do? And their ol’ Balaam went forth like that, and the Spirit come down upon him. Sure (but he was a carnal).
205 The Spirit can fall upon a hypocrite, the Bible said. You heard me teach that, now. “The rain falls on the just and unjust.” But it has to compare with the Word, there’s where you get it.
206 Then when he did, and the… when the Spirit, though, on him told the Truth, he tried to curse Israel, and he blessed Israel.
207 Now, if God just respects a fine church, and a fine bishop, and a wonderful pastor, a scholarly bunch of people, He was duty bound to accept that sacrifice, ’cause he was just as fundamentally right as Israel was right; but he didn’t have the spiritual revelation of the Word and the will of God. There you are, that’s the difference today.
208 Look at Jesus. They said, “Away with that guy. We know he’s a Samaritan. He’s crazy. Will you teach us? Well, you was borned in adultery. You wasn’t nothing but a illegitimate child to come with. Who’s your daddy? Say God’s your father, you blasphemer! Why, you mean to tell us? We’ve been preachers, we been bishop; through our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers was preachers and bishop. We were borned and raised in the church. We’ve been through the highest of seminaries. We know every Word to the letter. And you try to teach us? Where’d you ever go to school at? Where’d you get this learning?”
209 He said, “You’re of the… your father the devil,” said Jesus.
210 They had no signs and wonders among them. They had no Divine healings and things among them. They had no blessings among them. But Jesus was absolutely a spiritual revelation of the Scriptures.
211 They said, “Why, it’s written so-and-so.”
212 And Jesus said, “Yes, and it’s also written.” But God vindicated His man by his signs.
213 Peter said the same, on Acts 2, he said, “You man of Israel; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you, with signs and wonders which God did by Him in the midst, and which you all yourselves know.” (there you are) “Him being delivered of the… by the fore-… by the big Sanhedrin Council up there. But by the foreknowledge of God, God foreordaining
Him to die of this death. You’ve delivered Him up with cruel and wicked hands. You’ve crucified the Prince of Life, Who God raised up. And we’re witnesses of it.”
214 Whew, what a preacher! Didn’t… he couldn’t even sign his own name, but he knowed God. They said they “took heed to him that he had been with Jesus.” Certainly, it’s a spiritual revelation. Oh, my. Now, there you are.
215 Cain was just in that line, that carnal church is in the same line today. The Spiritual Church still has the Pillar of Fire, still has the signs, wonders, still has the same Christ; which it vindicates all the way from the dying lamb, and in the Garden of Eden, till the second coming of the Lamb. Absolutely, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
216 And that line of Cain, religious and polished and scholarly, right down the same; just the same, every day just the same. Criticizers and persecutors, as Cain was of Abel, so are they today, and have been and always will be; carnal, unbelievers. That’s right.
217 Now Genesis 3:8, and also I put 20 here, I was looking a while ago:
And Adam called… And Adam called his wife… Eve; because she was the mother of all living. (see, that wasafter this beguiling had already took place)
218 Cain was… “Now wait!” You say, “How could a snake, a serpent?”
219 But, brother, watch here, the Bible don’t say he was a serpent; the Bible said, “He was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.” He wasn’t a reptile, he was a beast. He was a… And there…
220 And let me just give you this as a little token between us, if you will. That’s where science is all mixed up. The closest thing they can find to a man, is a chimpanzee. How many knows that? But there’s something between there. They can’t make the chimpanzee bones meet with the man’s bones, yet it’s the closest thing. They can bring him up from a polliwog. They can bring him up from a tadpole.
They can bring him on up to the animal and every animal. They can bring him to a bear. You take a bear and pull the skin off it, it’s just like a little woman. Just the same thing. Take her back and everything, stand them there, and go up pull the woman like… stand the woman like that. It’s just the same as a-as a-as a bear. The foot runs out the same, and the hand runs out like this, just like a human being. But a chimpanzee comes closer than that. It’s almost, but they can’t find it.
221 Here’s a little secret, if you want to know it. You know where it’s at? It’s hid from them. They can dig all the bones they want to. They can dig… The sculptors can dig, and the science, and the and the chronologist can measure the scales of time with the atomic measures, but they’ll never catch it.
For that was the serpent that was more like a man than anything else there was on earth, and God cursed him and put him on his belly, and he’s turned plumb back to a snake with no resemblance of a man. Now just scratch your head, them scientists, and let them take that for a while.
222 But the Bible declares that, “He was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.” That’s right. He was that joint that stands between man and monkey, and God cursed him and put him plumb back on his belly because of the-of the thing that he had did. He beguiled this woman, and she brought forth her first son which was Cain, after the nature of the serpent’s own inspiration, the devil, that got in the serpent, that did that.
223 And then she conceived and brought forth, she conceived again after she was beguiled. Now watch, she beguiled, she was almost… Well, she done wrong. But she, literally, was legitimate when she conceived by her husband, for that might have been many, many times afterwards, many months and many days afterwards; you can’t tell that, we don’t know, but she did bring forth of Adam.
224 And someone even got the question, say, “Well, the son… he said she was going… As Cain was born, said she ‘got a son of the Lord.’” Absolutely, certainly, it had to be. It was the law of nature. That’s just exactly the way you are today. When you’re borned, God just doesn’t come down and make you. You’re an offspring of your father and mother. And you’ll be a… there’ll be a… your children will be offsprings of you. It’s a reproduction all the time, right on down, like seed trees and things like that; but back to the original. I hope that explains it.
225 How much time we got? Haven’t got any more. Listen to this good one for next… that we’re getting Sunday: “By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body… ” (We’d like to know that.) “… Christ.” At the time… Now, I think I get up some scriptures, good scriptures on that [Brother Branham answers this in Part II, paragraph 361, as question 60-Ed].
226 Here’s a good one, just like… Would you suffer me just one more minute or two, to answer this? It can answer itself.
William Marrion Branham
57-0925 Questions And Answers On Hebrews 1
Rick Bazzill
Starkville Mississippi
A Few Thoughts…..In The Word
“I am…..Crucified With Christ….NEVER—THE—LESS…I AM Lives…Yet, Not I Am….
But, ……..I AM…..That….I AM….Lives In Me”………
I’m A 74 Year Old Full Gospel Preacher’s Kid……..Was Ordained Myself…… Thru The
Prophet William Branham …..A Man Sent From God……Baptised In The Name Of The
Lord Jesus Christ…Ministered In 23 Countries….Love The Lord…And…. The Word..
Here’s Some Great Truths That I’ve Come To See Since I’ve Been Following Brother
Branham (My Entire Life)….
The Definition Of HELL (Hades)
“ Come Unto Me…And Ye Shall Find……..’REST FOR YOUR SOULS’….
The ‘REST’…Of God….Is….‘The ANSWER …Of ….A Good Conscience…Toward…
…God And Man….
“There Is Therefore….NOW….NO CONDEMNATION…. To Them Which Are In Christ
Jesus ….To Them Who Walk Not After The Flesh….But, After The Spirit “
HELL/HADES….Means….. The ‘UNSEEN’….The Land Of The Dead’
The ‘UNSEEN’ (Hades) In The Scripture….Is…..” The ‘HIDDEN’ Man Of The Heart “
The Hidden Man Of The Heart…Is…. The STILL SMALL VOICE….
The CONSCIENCE…Is….” The LIGHT…Which Lighteth Every Man Who Cometh Into
The World”….
The Believer Says…..
“Lord…Where Could I Go….To Flee From Thy Presence?….If I Ascend Into Heaven…….
Thou Art There….If I Make My Bed In Hell…..Thou Art There”
‘The Believer’…..Says…..”Thou Wilt …NOT LEAVE MY SOUL…IN HELL…….
Nor Allow…Thy Holy One (Christ In You)…To See Corruption”….
HELL (Hades)….Means—The ‘UNSEEN’…. The Land Of The ‘DEAD’
The …’UNSEEN’….Is…..‘The ‘HIDDEN’…Man Of The ‘HEART’….Which Is….
“The CONSCIENCE….Sticketh ……..Closer Than A Brother”
If One Is In Heaven….Looking Down On The Earth….
Earth Is The ..’LAND Of The DEAD’
“ Yea, Though I Walk….Through The….VALLEY Of The SHADOW Of DEATH “…..I Will
Fear No Evil”…….For Thou Art With Me”
“Death And Hell….Are Cast Into The LAKE Of FIRE ….And….BRIMSTONE”
“This Is The….’SECOND DEATH”….
Definition Of DEATH……
“To Be …..’CARNALLY MINDED’…..Is….‘DEATH’………
A ‘LAKE’…Is….A……..’BODY OF WATER’…..ie. The ‘SCRIPTURE’……..
BRIMSTONE…Is…Sulfur..ie…The Scripture……..Used To Treat Open Wounds Of The
“He Hath Purged Our ….Conscience…….From Dead Works (The Law)….To Serve……..
The ‘LIVING GOD’….Is…..The STILL…SMALL…VOICE….Of The Believer’s
The.. ‘FIRE’….Is…………..”OUR GOD….Is…….A ‘CONSUMING FIRE’
“The ‘FIRE’…..TRYS…EVERY MAN’S WORK….As To What Sort It Is”….
“ He Makes His Ministers…..’FLAMES Of FIRE’….
Burning Up…The WOOD (Lust Of The Flesh)……The HAY (Lust Of The Eye)………………
And….The STUBBLE (Pride Of Life)……
…..”Tongues Of Fire…Sat On Each Of Them….And They Were All Filled…
…..With The Holy Spirit Of Truth….And…. The They All Spake With These New
Tongues …As The Spirit Gave Them Utterance”
“The ‘GATES’ Of HELL’…Shall Not Prevail Against It”
The ‘GATES’ Of HELL…..Are…..The …..’FIVE SENSES’….Which Identify…. The ‘WORLD’
The ‘WORLD’ Is The ………….LUST Of The FLESH….The LUST Of The EYE….The
PRIDE Of LIFE …….Activated By The Five Senses…
“The ‘CARNAL MIND’….Is…..‘ENMITY’….Against God”
“It Is Not Subject To The Word Of God…Neither Indeed, Can Be”
“But, Ye Are Not In The Flesh (The Carnal Mind)…..But,…In The SPIRIT “
“God Hath Made Us Able Ministers Of The New Testament….Not Of The Letter
(The Historical Account)……But, Of The…SPIRIT (The Allegory/Parable)….For The
‘LETTER’ (Historical Account)….KILLETH” (Spiritually)….
“ These Are The Two Covenants…. Which Things Are….An ALLEGORY”..
The ALLEGORY….Is…. The ‘Spirit Of The Word’….
The ALLEGORY…Allows…The Believer….To Participate..In…. The Story…
Allowing Him….TO BECOME….The Character He Is Reading About….
And…Become….‘TRANSFORMED…By The Renewing Of The Mind’
Acronyms….For….. The ‘Carnal Mind’……
The Definitions Of… The ‘CARNAL MIND’…..In The Scripture …..Are…..
The ‘ACCUSER’….Of….The Brethren….
“You Have One Who ‘ACCUSERS YOU’….Even Moses” (The Law)
The LAW (Satan The Accuser) ….Accuses Us To God….Day And Night…
Never Allowing…..’REST’ For The Soul (The Still Small Voice Of The Conscience)
“I Tell You Weeping Brethren, Be Not As Others…..
Carnal Minded Believers (Those Who Are ‘DOUBLE MINDED’ ie. Become Spiritual
Minded One Minute…Carnal Minded The Next)…
“We Must Rightly Divide…. The Word Of Truth….That Is, “From The LETTER (The
Historical Account)…..From….. The SPIRIT (The Allegory)….Which Gives Life”
“ The ‘LETTER’….KILLETH…..The ‘SPIRIT’…Gives Life”
The ‘SERPENT’…Is…. The ‘DEAD LETTER’….That….‘KILLETH’ (Spiritually)..
The SERPENT Said, “Hath God Said (The Letter)…Ye Shall Be As Gods’…
Knowing….Good And Evil” (The Dead Letter Of The Law)
The GREAT RED DRAGON….Is … The ‘CARNAL MIND’….Interpertation Of The Bible…..
The ‘LETTER’….Is…. The Carnal Mind…Only Believing The Bible…As An Historical…
Literal Account Called…. The LETTER That Killeth (Spiritually)….
“God Hath Made Us …….Able Ministers Of The New Testament …. Not Of The
‘LETTER’ (The Historical Account)….. But, Of The ‘SPIRIT’ (The Allegory)….For The
‘LETTER’ KILLETH (Spiritually)….But The ‘SPIRIT’ (The Allegory)……Gives Life”…
The ALLEGORY (The Spirit Of The Word)….Allows The Believer….’TO PARTICIPATE’.
In The Story Of The Scripture. They Become The Character They Are Reading About.
And ……”Become…..TRANSFORMED…By The Renewing Of The Mind’
The Mind Is Renewed …From The CARNAL MIND (The Letter That Killeth)
To The….SPIRITUAL MIND (The Allegory/Spirit)…..Which Gives Life”…
“Though We Have Known Christ…. After The Flesh (The Carnal Mind)….
Yet, We Know Him No More After The Flesh (The Carnal Mind / The Letter)
“You Which Were…’DEAD’…In Trespasses And Sins…Yet…Now Hath He Quickened”
The Believer Declares….”
“ Lord…Where Can I Go….To Flee From Thy PRESENCE? ……If I Ascend Into
Heaven….Thou Art There……If I …MAKE MY BED IN….HELL…Thou Art There”…….
“ Awake O THOU…That Sleepest….Arise From The DEAD…And Christ Shall Give………
Thee Light”….
The ‘SLEEPER’…Is….Asleep….On His ‘BED’…..In Hell (The Land Of The Dead) On
Earth….With The Promise…
“Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul IN HELL…Nor Allow Thy Holy One (Christ In You)
To See Corruption”
“Heaven Is My Throne….Earth Is My ‘FOOTSTOOL’….What House Will You Build
Me…Saith The Lord…And…..WHAT IS THE PLACE…OF MY……’REST”…
Jesus (The Living Word) Was A Carpenter (He Built The House—Man)
Righteous Men…Are… The Temple…The Lord Dwells In
HELL (The Unseen)….Is… NOT…Where One Goes Where One Dies….
HELL…Is…MAN…Living On Earth (God’s Footstool) ….Asleep To God….
The …’UNSEEN’ (Hell)….Is…..‘The ‘HIDDEN’…Man Of The ‘HEART’ …And….The
That Is…NEVER …..At…’REST’….From The Still Small Voice Of The…’ACCUSER’…
Of The Brethren ….From …‘The Letter That Killeth’….
“Put On The Lord Jesus Christ… And Make No Provision For The Flesh Thereof”
The Believer …..’ TAKES’ …The NAME Of The Lord Jesus Christ…As Their New
Spiritual Name….And ……’PUTS ON THE LORD JESUS’……By…..Being……’CRUCIFIED
WITH CHRIST’…..And……‘RAISED IN HIS IMAGE’…..With The Mind Of Christ…
“Thou Shalt Not…TAKE….The Name Of The Lord Thy God….In Vain”
The Prophet….William Branham….Taught That….‘ The MARK Of The BEAST’…
“We Are The …..’CIRCUMSCION’……Which Worship God In The Spirit…And…
Rejoice In Christ Jesus….And….Have No Confidence In The Flesh” (The Carnal Mind)
CIRCUMSCION….Of The FLESH…..In The Old Testament…Is…The ‘MARK’ Of God
CIRCUMSCION Of The HEART …Is…. The ‘MARK’ Of God…In The New Testament
The ‘OVERCOMER’….Recieves……The ‘MARK’ Of God (Circumscion)….In Their
FOREHEAD (Their Mind)
“He That OVERCOMETH….I Will Write My Father’s Name…’I AM’…
In Their Forehead”…..
“There Ye Shall Be Called…The Children Of The…‘LIVING GOD”……
The ‘Living God’….Is…The ‘STILL, SMALL VOICE’…..Of….The ‘CONSCIENCE’…..
The ‘HiDDEN MAN’….Of….The ‘HEART’ (The Conscience)
“ MAN IS A DIVINE BEING…. Having A Human Experience “
The Voice Of One…. Crying In The Wilderness (The Scripture)
Rick Bazzill
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