William Branham Quotes about women to testify, or to sing, or give messages in tongue



“The question was if the woman has got a gift of tongues and she wants to speak, I believe that when that time comes on, she has a right to speak out in the gift of tongues, but not to preach or to usurp any authority over men. When she’s a preacher, of course she is over men.” (THE CHOOSING OF A BRIDE LA CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY 65-0429E)


Why should it be an apple when apples were never mentioned in the Word of God in reference to the Garden of Eden? Although the Bible speaks that they were not to eat of the TREE of the knowledge of good and evil, but never can we find in the entire Scriptures that it was an apple that have caused our transgressions and fall (Genesis 2:17). It will be difficult for many readers to believe this, but of a truth, it was SEX or ADULTERY with the SERPENT that caused the fall of EVE and ADAM, through which sin came into the world and brought each of us under its curse.

One wanted to know if it was wrong for women to testify, or to sing, or give messages in tongue, interpretate the messages, or prophecy in the church.”
No, it isn’t wrong; it’s a—as long as it comes in the place in order. See? The church is in order, and only when… The real, true way to do it is for those who speak with tongues and things or messages are given before the message from the pulpit, never during that time; ‘cause the Holy Spirit’s moving just from one place at a time, as Paul spoke of there. But women are gifted with prophecy, and gifted with tongues and interpretations, and everything but being preachers. They’re not to be preachers. They’re forbidden to preach in the churches (That’s right.), take the place, or be a teacher, or anything in the church. But as far as gifts, the woman has all those, can occupy one or any of those nine spiritual gifts according to I Corinthians 12, and is under no bondage that her message should not come forth in its place.” (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS JEFF IN COD SUNDAY 61 -1015M)

Here is where we receive the true revelation of the SERPENT’S SEED, and here is what really happened in the Garden of Eden. The Word says that Eve was beguiled by the serpent. She was actually seduced by the serpent.

It says in Genesis 3:1, “Now the serpent was more SUBTIL than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” *This beast was so close to a human being* (and yet was pure animal) that he could reason and talk. He was close to a man. He was almost man. He was an upright creature and was somewhat in between a chimpanzee and a man, but closer to a man. He was so close to being human that his seed could, and did mingle with that of the woman and cause her to conceive. Before Adam ever had a carnal knowledge of Eve, the serpent had that knowledge ahead of him. And that one born of it was CAIN. “Cain was of (born of, begotten of) that “Wicked One”, according to I John 3:12

Observe what happened
When this illicit act happened between Eve and the serpent, God cursed the serpent. He changed every bone in the serpent’s body so that he had to crawl like a snake. “And the Lord God said unto the SERPENT, because thou hast done this, thou art CURSED above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy BELLY shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life”.
Science can try all it wants to, and it won’t find the MISSING LINK between man and animal. God saw to that. Man is smart and he can see an association of man with animal and he tries to prove it out of evolution. There isn’t any evolution. But man and animal did mingle. That’s one of the mysteries of God that has remained hidden, but here it is revealed. It happened right back there in the midst of Eden when Eve turned away from Life to accept Death.
Immediately after EATING the FRUIT (remember that we are the FRUITS of our mother and father), they quickly knew that they were NAKED. And they hid themselves from God and made aprons of fig leaves to cover their NAKEDNESS (Gen. 3:78). SURELY this must speak to our understanding that it was SEX, and NOT EATING APPLES (or else Adam and Eve could have made aprons for their mouth rather covering their private parts). Also take note that after this affair, God did not curse Eve by punishing her with more apples to eat, but said, “Unto the woman He said, I will multiply thy sorrow and thy CONCEPTION; in sorrow thou shalt BRING FORTH CHILDREN, and thy desire shall be to thy husband..” (Gen. 3:16) . This tremendous act has brought forth the advent for man’s sexual reproduction, which was never God’s original plan, because God just speaks His children into existence and they come forth out of the dust, just like the way He created the first man, Adam.
The fruit or result of Eve being sexually known by the serpent and Adam was that she conceived both CAIN and ABEL. The truth of the matter is that Eve had in her womb TWO sons (TWINS) from SEPARATE IMPREGNATIONS. She was carrying TWINS, with Cain’s conception sometime previous to that of Abel’s.
To those who think that this is not possible, let it be known that the medical records are replete with cases where women have carried twins who were of separate ova and separate insemination with the fertilization of the eggs being days apart, and NOT ONLY SO, but some of the records show that the twins were fathered by separate males. Recently worldwide coverage was given to a Norwegian mother who was suing her husband for support for herself and her twins, one of which was white and the other black. She admitted that she had a Negro lover. The two conceptions were about three weeks apart. In Beaumont, Texas, in 1963, the records again set forth a multiple birth wherein pregnancies were many days apart, in fact so much so that the woman almost died along with one child in childbirth

It is amazing that Jude 14 records that ENOCH was the SEVENTH from Adam, which confirms that CAIN was really NOT the son of Adam, but the SON of the SERPENT. The genealogies of ADAM was on this wise : (1) Adam, (2) Seth, (3) Enos, (4) Cainan, (5) Mahaleel, (6) Jared, (7) Enoch.
*Notice that Cain was never mentioned in the list of the Bible as a son of Adam; and Abel, of course, was no longer mentioned because he was murdered by Cain, and did not have any descendant.*
In the New Testament, we can find traces of the serpent seed through the persons of the religious *Pharisees and Saducees* as John the Baptist addressed them as such. *Matthew 3:7-* “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” Jesus called them the same thing in *Matthew 12:34* – “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Also in *Matthew 23:33* – “[Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Adam knew his wife[through sex] *TWICE* but produced *THREE SONS*
Watch this
Genesis 4:1
1) *And Adam knew Eve his wife* ; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD 2. And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
2) Genesis 4:25*And Adam knew his wife AGAIN* ; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
They were two acts, between the two couples, but produced THREE SONS: Cain, Abel, and Seth.
The 1st act, Eve produced twins, and one[Cain] was of the Devil. *1 John 3:12* *_Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother.* And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous._
The truth is that, the Devil got to Eve 1st before Adam did.[12/12, 2:41 AM] +256 777 841821: *PROOF THAT EVE PRODUCED TWINS*
To those who think that this is not possible, let it be known that the medical records are replete with *cases where women have carried twins who were of separate ova and separate insemination with the fertilization of the eggs being days apart,* and NOT ONLY SO, but some of the records show that *the twins were fathered by separate males.*

Recently world wide coverage was given to a *Norwegian mother* who was suing her husband for support for herself and her twins, *one of which was white and the other black* . *She admitted that she had a Negro lover.*

The two conceptions were about *three weeks apart* .

 In Beaumont, Texas, in *1963* , the records again set forth a multiple birth wherein *pregnancies were many days apart* , in fact so much so that the woman almost died along with one child in childbirth.    An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (3 – The Ephesian Church Age)    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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