Do Not Lean on Your own Understanding

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Now the Bible said, “That He is the High Priest, today, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.” That right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
Don’t go to reason, say, “Oh, that’s…”
He said, “Today He is that. He is right now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The same yesterday, today, and forever!”
What do you think when I was out there as a Baptist preacher, and that Angel of the Lord met me out there and commissioned me to go do this that I’m doing? Why, my pastor said, “You’ve gone crazy. Why, you had a nightmare, you.”
Today we send our children to the school, to have understanding. Then after they are through the grammar schools, we send them to high school for a better understanding of knowledge. Then after they are through there, some children are even fortunate enough to go to college, and go through college to complete their education and their understanding of knowledge. What they are acquired of by… Many times, to get a job, you have to have at least a high school understanding, or a college education, or so forth. Yet, the wise Solomon told us that, “not to lean to it, not to our own understanding; learn not of these things.”
Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,
Now may that Eagle, God! You know, God likens His prophets to eagles. And He calls Himself an eagle; He is Jehovah Eagle, Papa Eagle.
Now, but we find that Eve was easily persuaded by Satan, from the Word of God, and she leaned on her own understanding, because Satan had projected something to her which wasn’t to her real understanding of God. But she had something else told to her by the enemy, Satan, and she believed it.
Now we find the results of this. It plunged the whole human race to death, because the first mother on the earth, leaned to her own understanding, contrary to the Word of God, and plunged the whole human race to death. Now do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] That’s the Word. Well, a woman is always…
And when the Word is made manifest, the Word is revealed, they won’t accept It, because they won’t do it, because they lean to their own understanding. “This church was built here. It’s a beautiful place. It’s a great organization. It’s a member of a great body of people. Why shouldn’t we belong to that? I’ll trust in it.” Trust not in your own understanding, but trust in the Word of the Lord!
Sometime ago, someone… I was in a dispute on the income tax. And they said to me, said, “Why, your trustees are nothing but puppets, I suppose.”
I’m just getting to this. That thing is occuring again, till, men and women and people will lean to a certain church that they have joined and belonged to, no matter what the Word of God says about it. They go right on with that, leaning to their own understanding, and ignoring the Word of God, as if It hadn’t (never) even been written. It’s un-germitized seed of human life. It’s got the physical life, but no spiritual life in it to be quickened. The veil was over their face.
What of Samson, out in the field, when the Philistines, a thousand men run up on him? And there he was standing there, a little bitty, curly-headed shrimp, about that high. He didn’t; well, he wasn’t a swordsman, ’cause he didn’t know; he had no training, military training. He was just a little old curly-headed sissy, like, with seven locks hanging down, mama’s boy, standing out there, and here come a thousand Philistines. Well, he didn’t have nothing in his hand. He looked down, and he found an old, bleached-out, white jawbone of a mule, and he picked it up.
There was one man who did lean to his own understanding, and his name was Judas Iscariot. Oh, he… I–I don’t see how he could have done it. He had walked face to face with Christ, just like Eve did in the beginning. He had seen the vindication, he had looked at God in the face, like Eve did in the cool of the evening. Eve looked at Christ, in the cool of the evening, in the garden. And Judas had sat in the cool of the evening, in the garden of Gethsemane and many places, and had looked at the same Christ; had heard Him teach, prove Himself by the Word, vindicated to be the prophet that Moses had spoke of would be raised up. And told them in the Scripture Who He was, and all about it. They had seen it proved by God, that He was, and then he leaned to his own understanding.