What kind of Music attracts the Angel of the Lord?

▪︎I walked into my church & my pianist was playing, “ONLY BELIEVE.” The ANGEL OF THE LORD SEEMED TO LIKE THAT! PLAY IT AGAIN! There’s something about THAT SONG that THE ANGEL OF THE LORD LOVES!
▪︎As my Cherokee grandmother died, she sang, ROCK OF AGES. With her feeble arms in the air, a DOVE flew in & stood on her bed. As it was cooing, GOD TOOK HER SOUL.
▪︎Let’s sing my good, old BAPTISMAL SONG. The one we sang the first time the Angel of the Lord appeared before man, June of 1933, at the river: I AM BOUND FOR THE PROMISED LAND.
W M B ~ A few weeks ago, I was at Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle where we were having a service. And in there…
I never had heard the SONG before. A night or two AFTER THE ANGEL OF THE LORD APPEARED TO ME AND COMMISSIONED ME, I was in—walked into my church, my pianist was over there playing, “ONLY BELIEVE.”
And I said, “PLAY THAT AGAIN.” The Angel of the Lord seemed to like that.50-0823Testimony
W M B ~ Let’s sing my good, old BAPTISMAL SONG, the one we was singing the first time that the Angel of the Lord there ever appeared before man, in his presence.
I had seen It before, myself, but first time He ever come down.
And when He come down, He—He said, “As John was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the Second Coming of Christ.”
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people standing on the banks down there when It come down on June, 1933, at the river. And we were standing on the banks, singing.
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,And cast a wishful eye,To Canaan’s fair and happy land,Where my possessions lie.I am bound for the promised land,I am bound for the promised land;Oh, who will come and go with me?I am bound for the promised land.
61-0723eGod Being Misunderstood
W M B ~ Oh, I love that old song. They always sing it when we’re baptizing:
We’re pilgrims And we’re strangers here,We’re seeking a city to come.The lifeboat soon is coming,To gather the Jewels home.
Oh, I just love that old song. I can almost hear the water splashing when we go to singing that.
We were singing that when THE MORNING STAR, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD made Its first appearance over where I was standing IN PUBLIC, for the first time in my life, at the foot of SPRING STREET IN THE OHIO RIVER in JUNE ’33, as a young Baptist minister, there BAPTIZING.55-0123aThe Approach To God
W M B ~ Let us sing this old song together, I love Him. “I LOVE HIM BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED ME.”
All together, while we stand now. Everybody now, all together. How many knows it? Raise your hands. I Love Him. LET’S WORSHIP Him now.59-0525 Images Of Christ
W M B ~ A DOVE has a great strange thing IN OUR FAMILY.
One day when my GRANDMOTHER …She come from up here in KENTUCKY, off the CHEROKEE RESERVATION.
She was dying, a little woman, and she was…They had…I think they call it scrofula or something, she was dying.
And grandfather knelt down by the side of the bed; while Mama, Aunt Birtie, Aunt Howlie, all of them knelt around the bed; Uncle Charlie, (little bitty, four-year-old boy) the baby; MAMA, THE OLDEST, BEING ABOUT TWELVE YEARS OLD.
And she had combed her black hair out on the bed, and she started singing, “ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME, LET ME HIDE MYSELF IN THEE,” when she was dying.
Grandpa, at that time, wasn’t a Christian. I baptized him at eighty-seven years old, in the Name of Jesus Christ, at the foot of the river THERE WHERE THE ANGEL OF THE LORD APPEARED.
But while SHE WAS SINGING THIS SONG, with her feeble little hands up in the air, A DOVE FLEW IN THE DOOR; come around, set down on the top of the bed, started cooing. GOD TOOK HER SOUL.65-1128e On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove
W M B ~ SPEAK, MY LORD.Lord Jesus, as the song is sang, “SPEAK, AND I WILL QUICKLY ANSWER THEE,” literally dozens of hands are up in here, Lord, amongst the TEEN-AGE, and amongst the OLD, MINISTERS, BUSINESSMEN.
Surely, Lord, You’re still speaking! SEND THE ANGEL NOW with the coal of cleansing Fire. Prepare Your servants right, Lord, for the task that lays before us.63-1130bInfluence