What is the difference between the Angel of the Lord and the Lord?

Questions 385 (COD Page 1158)
Brother Branham, what is the difference, if–if any, between the Angel of the Lord and the Lord, Himself.
64 The angel of the Lord is a messenger from the Lord, and the Lord Himself is that Person, not the person of the angel, the angel from the Lord. Let me show you.
Earthly speaking here’s an angel from the Lord. Earthly speaking here’s an angel from the Lord. Earthly speaking here’s the angel from the Lord. How do we know then that they are angels from the Lord?
When they bring the Word of the Lord. But when they try to pervert It, it’s not from the Lord then, see, see, try to make It something It doesn’t say. Just say whatever…
65 Then there is a supernatural Angel comes down from the Lord, a Messenger like Gabriel, and–and Michael, Woodworm, and so forth, their names.