Top 10 signs of the Antichrist in the End Times

The concept of antichrist is absent in traditional Judaism, although in some medieval texts the symbolic figure Armilus appears.
1.Foundation of Antichrist
The Church of Satan is a religious organization dedicated to Satanism as codified in The Satanic Bible. The Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco, California, on Walpurgisnacht, April 30, 1966, by Anton Szandor LaVey, who was the Church’s High Priest until his death in 1997. In 2001, Peter H. Gilmore was appointed to the position of High Priest, and the church’s headquarters were moved to Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City.
The church does not believe in the Devil, neither a Christian nor Islamic notion of Satan.
Peter H. Gilmore describes its members as “skeptical atheists”, embracing the Hebrew root of the word “Satan” as “adversary”. The church views Satan as a positive archetype who represents pride, individualism, and enlightenment, and as a symbol of defiance against the Abrahamic faiths which LaVey criticized for what he saw as the suppression of humanity’s natural instincts.
The Church of Satan describes its structural basis as a cabal that is “an underground cell-system of individuals who share the basis of [our] philosophy”.
Membership in the Church of Satan is available on two levels: registered membership and active membership. Registered members are those who choose to affiliate on a formal level by filling out the required information and sending a one-time registration fee. Active membership is available for those who wish to take a more active role in the organization and is subject to the completion of a more comprehensive application.
The organization does not disclose official membership numbers. The church provides wedding, funeral, and baptismal services to members. Such ceremonies are performed by a member of the church’s priesthood.
The Church maintains a purist approach to Satanism as expounded by LaVey, rejecting the legitimacy of any other organizations who claim to be Satanists. Surely with all these Evidence, these are signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
Scholars agree that there is no reliably documented case of Satanic continuity prior to the founding of the Church of Satan.It was the first organized church in modern times to be devoted to the figure of Satan, and according to Faxneld and Petersen, the Church represented “the first public, highly visible, and long-lasting organization which propounded a coherent satanic discourse”. Sources – Wikipedia
2.Rise of Pope and the Roman Catholics
With the rise of the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholicism, the Pope of the Vatican City is Going to be get involved with all the So-called High Priest and they are going to rule the World very soon carrying the Mark of Beast. All These are Definitely the Signs of the Antichrist.

what does the bible say about the roman catholic church
3.Gays of Homosexuality-signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
As for same-sex “marriage,” we see no place for it within the context of a Christian worldview. According to the Bible, marriage is heterosexual by definition. Jesus, when expressing his understanding of the scriptural foundation for the divine purpose and design in marriage, referred to its origins in the Creation account: “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh…” (Mark 10:6-8, quoting Genesis 2:24).

We realize that not everyone shares our perspective. Even within the ranks of professing Christians there are those who don’t believe that God’s Word and created order affirm heterosexual marriage as the one and only legitimate context for sexual expression. A careful study of this stance shows that its adherents either discount the authority of Scripture or adopt interpretive methods that create the latitude to ignore or distort the plain and obvious meaning of its words.
“The Bible prohibits all kinds of sexual promiscuity – heterosexual as well as homosexual.”
In our opinion, the clarity of God’s truth on this matter remains unchanged in spite of hermeneutical methods designed to justify homosexual behavior. The Bible prohibits all kinds of sexual promiscuity – heterosexual as well as homosexual are the
signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
Logical consistency demands that individuals and groups who want to reinterpret Scripture to sanction free sexual expression among homosexuals should extend the same concession to heterosexual singles; and, in fact, some have already taken this next step. But none of this can alter the facts: there is simply no scriptural support for endorsing sexual immorality (i.e., sexual activity outside the bond of heterosexual marriage) for anyone, no matter what his or her personal sexual feelings may be.
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
4.Christian Feminism
Christian feminism is a school of Christian theology which seeks to advance and understand the equality of men and women morally, socially, spiritually, and in leadership from a Christian perspective.
Christian feminists argue that contributions by women, and an acknowledgment of women’s value, are necessary for a complete understanding of Christianity.
Christian feminists believe that God does not discriminate on the basis of biologically determined characteristics such as sex and race, but created all humans to exist in harmony and equality, regardless of race or gender.[3] Christian feminists generally advocate for anti-essentialism as a part of their belief system, acknowledging that gender identities do not mandate a certain set of personality traits.
Their major issues include the ordination of women, biblical equality in marriage, recognition of equal spiritual and moral abilities, reproductive rights, integration of gender-neutral pronouns within readings of the Bible, and the search for a feminine or gender-transcendent divine.
Christian feminists often draw on the teachings of other religions and ideologies in addition to biblical evidence, and other Christian based texts throughout history that advocate for women’s rights.
The term Christian egalitarianism is often preferred by those advocating gender equality and equity among Christians who do not wish to associate themselves with the feminist movement.
5.The World Council of Churches (WCC)
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a worldwide Christian inter-church organization founded in 1948. Its members today include the Assyrian Church of the East, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, most jurisdictions of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, the Old Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, most mainline Protestant churches (such as the Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Moravian and Reformed) and some evangelical Protestant churches (such as the Baptist and Pentecostal).
Notably, the Catholic Church is not a member, although it sends accredited observers to meetings. The WCC arose out of the ecumenical movement and has as its basis the following statement:
The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior according to the scriptures, and therefore seek to fulfill together their common calling to the glory of the one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It is a community of churches on the way to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ. It seeks to advance towards this unity, as Jesus prayed for his followers, “so that the world may believe.” (John 17:21)
The WCC describes itself as “a worldwide fellowship of 349 global, regional and sub-regional, national and local churches seeking unity, a common witness and Christian service.”
It is based at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The organization’s members include denominations which claim to collectively represent some 590 million people across the world in about 150 countries, including 520,000 local congregations served by 493,000 pastors and priests, in addition to elders, teachers, members of parish councils and others.
6.Fornication Adultery

Well I don’t think I should Elaborate this More as every Christian Must Know that Fornication is a Very Big Sin However if you are Unaware about this then you should Read the Below articles
filth-comes-at-its-extreme-level-a-woman Elizabeth-married-her-dog logan?
7.Christian Procecutions
In just the last year*, there have been:
Over 245 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution
4,305 Christians killed for their faith
1,847 churches and other Christian buildings attacked.
3,150 believers detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned
These numbers are heart-breaking. And yet, they do not tell the whole story. James 1:2-4 says “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” That joy is what we see when we hear and work with Christians all over the world who suffer because of they serve Jesus. God cares for His people, and He will never leave or forsake them.
* 2019 World Watch List reporting period, November 1, 2017-October 31, 2018
8.Mark of Beast 666-signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Now, in the 13th chapter, and beginning with the… Let’s see; we began about the 11th verse of the 13th chapter of the Revelation.
And I beheld a beast coming up out of the earth;… he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and caused the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
And he does great wonders, so as to make fire come down from heaven on… earth in the sight of men,
And deceived them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image unto the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause… as many as would… worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he caused all, both small… great, rich… poor, free… bound, to receive a mark in their right hand, and in their forehead:
And… no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the numbers of the beast: for it’s the number of a man;… his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In the 14th chapter we read this:
And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwelled on the earth, and to every nation,… kindred,… tongue, and people.
Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment has come: and worship him that made heavens, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water.
And there followed him another angel, saying, Babylon is falling, is falling, the great city, because it made all nations to drink from the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast or his image, or receive his mark in their forehead or… hand,
The same shall drink… of the wrath of God, which is poured out, without mixture into the cup of… indignation; and… shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
Rev. William Marrion Branham –
signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
The Pope is placing himself as the representative of Jesus on earth, but in fact, the Papacy is responsible for creating a system which takes people away from the word of God.
They made Mary into the mother of God, which is not in the Bible, they made a Trinity of three persons, which is not in the Bible, they turned baptism into the Name into baptism into titles and they demanded conformity to their system for salvation. This Latin word, as you can see in the picture adds up with the numerals in it to 666.
To take this system instead of the word of God is to take the mark of the beast. The Seal of God was in the forehead of believers in Revelation 7:3 and the Name of the Father was written upon their foreheads in Revelation 14:1, which we can understand is their revelation concerning the Name. So we understand that the mark of the beast is then taking the understanding given by the beast system.
Thus all the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head.
This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church.
With this great power the church systems will persecute the true bride. This image will try to keep the bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches the true church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord.
God will catch away His bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb.An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages – Chapter Ten – A Resume Of The AgesRev. William Marrion Branham
9.Rise in Technology-signs of the Antichrist in the End Times
Yes, the Rise in Technology advanced Chip Robots, Vehicles, Computers Smart DEvices are theses are putting Human species in the coming of World’s End Very Soon.
You Can Read this article How Technology has Been started Biblically References
10.Nakedness or unmodesty in clothing-signs of the Antichrist in the End Times

God Bless You all Repent and Get Saved
I am hoping you test what I am giving you …Time is short ! Have I your attention? Sadly I do not believe you have Insight… .looking in the wrong direction causing many to be misled sadly.
Please Test & Consider what the Spirit says to me :-
Daniel 7 & 8 little horn are one & the same in Binyamin Netanyahu who when he came to 1st office as 11th king[male Prime Minister- Dan 7;24] & 8th head[male -of Government-3 repeat twice] ;5 were fallen[dead], one is -Shamir d.2014., one to come & did as caretaker king on the fatal wound of the 7th head-Rabin ,then as Pres .Perez. …also like leopard -native born Palestine ,different to ALL before..feet like bear -parents fromUSSR[ Lithuania] one of the ribs torn out of bear, speaks like lion – arrogantly bellows Hebrew & English- lion languages.
N.B **** These are the seven’ mountains’ on which the Harlot sits; Zion,Moriah, Ophel,Bezetha, Careb, Acre & sacred bloodied Golgotha………..He [antiChrist]]-supplanter] will magnify himself equal to- the ‘Commander of the Host’ – Jesus Christ- Who is Matthew 27;37- ‘king of the Jews’. So is there one man of sin who has made himself a modern 11th king[Prime Minister]. & 8th head [ male; of Government 7th head fatally wounded-Rabin]. ….The answer is YES ! Does he fulfill ALL Prophecy ….YES ! …Sadly you do not understand as you have only some Prophetical Insight !…..please read on as HE has given me much….
Daniel 2; The feet & ten toes the divided kingdom under Rome from which the stone -Jesus Christ- is cut is Judah to the South & Israel to the North -both scattered in the Diaspora 70a.d -135a.d. It had ten toe foundation as only 10 of old Israel’s sons took up land in the Promised Land. Joseph died on the journey his family settled with Benjamin’s & Levi took none settling with ALL as Rabbis. They were part Rome & Jewish -St Paul the example…Jesus was not cut from the divided Roman kingdom as it did not exist…. The modern king/ horn / man of sin also magnified himself by changing his surname to make himself WHAT Jesus Is by name definition ; ‘the right hand son ‘-Hebrew.: Binyamin & ‘God’s Gift’ -Heb. Netanyahu .[was Ben Natalie Mielekowsky -from out of the sky?-Deuteronomy fallen angel. This new name adds to 666 in Old Hebrew Gemtria as Jesus adds!……
If I have peaked your interest please read more of what the LORD’s spirit says:-
I write because’ those that mislead many’ will pay a heavy price -so BEWARE.!!
A little more you SHOULD know; Daniel 7- picture talk explained- in 1947 the Jews, mainly from USSR, approached the new United Nations to annex Palestine for the nation state of Israel. The Lion [United Kingdom] with eagles wings [USA] as one after their WW2 alliance were torn off when the USA sided with the Bear[USSR- with three ribs torn out-Estonia,Lithuania,Latvia]] who wanted to get rid of their troublesome Jews against the Lion- UK’s wishes to talk the [Arabic] Leopards four wings; Lebanon,Jordan Syria &Egypt into this Motion which when put before the U N was passed with one dissenting vote , the Lion;UK who was then made to walk on it’s own two feet as policeman until nationhood 1948 being repeatedly bombed by the Stern gang forerunners of Mid -East Terrorism. So travelling in S.E direction out of the nations[Lithuania-USSR] the BEAST that comes out of the [Mediterranean] Sea was born on the land treading down ALL around it – i.e. the 4 Leopards wings.So the BEAST is reborn that murdered by demanded Roman Crucifixion God’s Messiah Son sent to redeem them..It comes out of the [Mediterranean] Sea.God has turned HIS Face from them since letting ALL that has befallen them until they recognise Jesus his ‘annointed one[Christ]’…..only a remnant will be saved sadly! Those that repent. Pray for a large remnant!Israel has NOT returned just the Beast [1/12th] that the elect admire & follow fooled as Prophesied…
1948-1996 Ten kings/horns[P.Ms- male sons] that are 7 heads[of Govt] :- Gurion [x2 office], Sharett, Eshkol, Shamir[x2], Begin, Perez, Rabin [x2 killed in 2nd office by rumoured minor MOSSAD agent who would only operate under instruction by Head? – was Binyamin Netanyahu new incoming king- 12th P.M -one queen -Golda].
Why would I say my family Judah[now calling itself the lie of Israel -united] is the BEAST country…..Simple ;we murdered God’s Messiah Son sent to Redeem us![Matt27;25] of the murders of the Prophets whose blood was mostly shed in the Great City Harlot Babylon where also is the place where Jesus Last Two will be murdered outside satan’s[BIBI’s] ABYSS[Rev11;7-8] Synagogue [Ezekiel8] under the Dome of the Rock.-JERUSALEM .where also the first Saint Phillip was murdered setting the pattern for the evil false Prophet Popes….the Bible says even the elect [Christians] will be fooled & worship the BEAST[fake Israel/Judah] & the Harlot[Jerusalem]….. which many do!
You might think me anti-semetic for what I say but I tell you this unless they repent & recognise our Messiah Jesus they will not survive what will shortly come to pass- that is my aim to have them realise for a large Remnant !
Your prayers for my family would be appreciated by me & more especially my LORD Yeshu ha Moshiach…..
HE Lives…HE Speaks …the servant listens…in Christ ..old Messianic Jew..Shalom…just a very ordinary old man …..with a mission to save!. I have been cursed threatened & hated for HIS[Jesus] views….Blessings.
P.S Bibi’s 3rd? act of Parliament 1996 was to try to [but failed] ban the teaching of Christianity in Israel & for the last 2 years Bibi has tried to pass into LAW[but failed] marking ALL the children of Israel on the r/hand with his Teva Biotec r/hand micro-chip system as he already India & China where you can not trade without it.
Something else you may or may not consider but I hope you do :-Daniel 9;27? Renewing the Mosaic Covenant took place in the Great Synagogue Rome January 2016 between a false Prophet Pope Francis[as only God or his Messiah have that right] & the man of sin Netanyahu & the agreement made that day was broken 3.5yrs later when Bibi opened in June 2019 his false satan’s ABYSS[Rev11;7,8] Sacrifices started April 16th 2016… Synagogue [Ezekiel8] under the Dome of the Rock [where I believe will be placed the Abomination weapon he brought back from the USA as special Ambassador early1980’s] consecrated with Pure Red Heifer sacrifice Mt of Olives September 2019-I’m sure you missed it!….also….. Concealed until the Time of the END -NOW[Dan12;9-ALL other old values false! i.e 42mnths, 1260day, 3.5yrs Totals….’.Time [‘the time of trial’-Jesus & HIS 2 Prophets Ministry- last half of the Final Week =3.5yrs] Times [x3.5yrs] & a half a Time[+1.75yrs] ‘=14years TOTAL. Dn7;25- ‘they [Israel] will be given into his [antiChrist’s] hand’ – BIBI’s reign WAS 1996 ..WAS NOT 1999 [subdues 3 kings per Dan 11].. WAS AGAIN 2009 until April 2019 election fail -powerless caretaker king until May2020 Gantz coalition until election fail March 2021 & removal June = 14years TOTAL -Prophecy fulfilled- now watch so he will never be able to return by popular vote[no honour of kingship] to the throne but he will return by unholy political alliance for his final 42 months from when sworn in. In this time the New Temple will be built &[2nd half] then Last Two Prophets will come measuring. & battling the antiChrist & his unholy followers….Baruch Hashem……called Israel. ….nothing is hidden except the Time of the Return …Shalom…. Who controls the World’s Money &Trade & Media & Internet -my family Judah [modern Israel]. . when the evil one has his last 42 months when sworn in things will I believe rapidly escalate. how Bibi will introduce his Teva Biotec r/hand microchip [India & China already signed up] to the rest of the world. ..Shalom….old Messianic Jew……servant of Jacob
30th December 2022…Man of sin has now returned with unHoly Alliance & when sworn in will begin his last 42month authority,
Bibi returned 30th June 2022 so adding 42months Gregorian calendar 30th June 2026.[end 1st half]
Since the renewal of the Mosaic Covenant 17th January 2016 adding a 7 year cycle -17th January 2023 then plus 42 month Hebrew calendar 30th June 2026….convergence of calendars -1st half of Last Week complete?? Does this mean we will see the arrival of the Last two Prophets [named by Isaiah 44;1-8] about this time or just shortly after??Then there will be 1290days[Tribulation] blessed are they that attain the 1335th day [45days-Great Tribulation]??? … Springtime…..2030a.d.??No man will know the day or hour!
Blessings in Yeshu ha Moshiach……Shalom.