The Eleventh Commandment -William Branham

The Eleventh Commandment – 1
Good evening, friends. I wish to speak to you tonight on the subject “When Love Projects, Grace
Takes Over.” Taking my text from St. John, the 3rd chapter, the 16th verse: “For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting
life.” This scripture deals with love, and we know there is no power, or teaching, or rule, that will come up
to the Christian love of God. No one can explain the love of God, though many have tried. The poets and the
songwriters have failed, and we, as ministers, preach the love of God but we can not fully explain His
wondrous love. One poet wrote of the love of God like this:
If the oceans all were ink, and the skies of parchment made,
And every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry,
Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.
I have often thought of the great poet who wrote this:
Ever since by faith I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied,
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.
The Eleventh Commandment – 2
I think if one thing is needed in the great universal church of God tonight, it is love. We do not need
our gifts and our emotions as much as we think we do, though they are wonderful and to God we give praise
that we have them–but if these gifts are not governed by love they are not effective.
Love should govern the home–a home that is not disciplined by love is not much of a home. If the
husband and wife do not solemnly love one another, they cannot trust one another. Remember, love is the
strongest force in the world–and instead of resting our faith upon some emotion, which is alright–or on
some gift, which is alright–like shouting or speaking in tongues, etc., we should rest our faith upon the love
of God. We must come back to this principle–love first, then those other things. If we did this our churches
would progress much faster, for God is love.
Now love has two different meanings, with two different words to describe it. In the Greek one love
is called “phileo” –that is the natural love that you would have for your wife; but “agape” love means divine
love–and these two loves are very contrary to each other. For example, with the love that you have for your
wife, if a man would insult her you would kill him on the spot–that would be phileo love; but with agape
love, or divine love, you would pray for the man’s lost soul. That is the difference. I’m almost sure many of
us have been deceived with having phileo love, and thinking it was agape love. Phileo love is intellectual,
whereas agape love comes from the heart. Human love, or affectionate love, is from the mind–the love of
God is from the heart. Now phileo love will always doubt and question, but agape love will always rest and
be at peace. Human love is always reasoning–Godly love never does. Godly love is perhaps in its trust, and
it produces faith when you really love with God’s love
The Eleventh Commandment – 3
Many who are here tonight might say, “You mean that you are going to read only that little verse of
scripture, and that’s all?” Oh but my friends, there’s enough in this little verse of scripture to send you to
heaven or condemn you to hell for ever. Your attitude toward this little scripture will seal your eternal
destination, so now let us think on that scripture for awhile.
Like the scripture being little–there are many little things that we may do in this life–but Jesus said
if you but give a cup of cold water in my Name, you will be rewarded. I’m so glad He sees the little things
we do. Love is a powerful force, and when love is projected, and when it comes to the end of its strength,
then sovereign grace will take it up from there and will grant the object that love has asked for. That is the
reason we have a Savior tonight, God so loved the world, and His love being projected toward the world
produced a Savior. God wanted so much to see you well that His love went out and it produced an
atonement for your sickness as well as your sins. It was the love of God that constrained Him to do it.
Nothing is greater than love–it brings trust, it brings faith, it brings pardon. Love has no fear, love casts out
fear. I have found a great deal of fear among Christians–this is not right and should not be so. Fear is the
lack of confidence, but if you love and have confidence you will cast away fear. God wants you to have love
and confidence in Him–this will cast away your fears and bring you to serve Him with a greater love.
Love is not based on legalistic laws that we have to keep, love is based on faith in one another, faith
in God, trust in God, confidence in God. And I will tell you this my friends, when the love of God comes
into your heart, you won’t go around hurting, or being hurt. When you believe God, really believe Him, and
get married to Him, you die out to the things of the world, then God projects His love, and His love makes
you what you are.
The Eleventh Commandment – 4
I wish to tell you a personal testimony of some of my experiences with love: my life is not mystic as
people think, it isn’t, its love, that’s the main thing, its loving Christ. Not just saying you do, but from your
heart loving Him. I’ve seen the cruelest of devils conquered, I’ve seen wild animals floor themselves in the
presence of God’s love. Love casts the fear away.
Some of you here tonight may remember the night in Portland, Oregon, when that maniac faced me,
and spit upon me, and cursed me. Many pastors fled from the platform, they were afraid of him. There were
those who thought the law should be summoned, and by force they should bind him and take him away to
prison again. Instead of hating that man I loved him. I thought, “That poor man doesn’t want to hurt me–
that’s the devil in that man, he wants to hurt me. That man probably has a family, who loves, likes to eat, and
associate, and be a citizen, but it’s the devil in him that’s doing this.” I thought, “That poor brother!” He
walked up close to me and said, “I will show you if you are a man of God or not!” Well, I said nothing, I just
looked at him. Everything was quiet, then the man said, “You snake in the grass!” I said nothing, but
remember this, I was not afraid, for I stood there with God’s love, and faced him. Then as he raised his fist to
strike me, I said, “Satan, come out of that man,” and he spun around and fell prostrate upon my feet, pinning
them to the floor. Don’t be afraid my friends, love instead. Now remember, the devil will make you prove
every inch of ground you claim, but if you love God there is no fear left, and you can stand upon what you
believe and not be defeated.
The Eleventh Commandment – 5
I remember this: when in Mexico last year it was reported we could get no place to accommodate the
crowd, so all the people who came to the meetings had to assemble in the open field. There were no chairs to
sit in, they leaned against each other to hear the word of God–young and old together, and the very weary
who had perhaps walked all day to get to the meeting. As I saw them standing there in the cold I thought,
“How they must love the Lord!” In the day of judgment how they will stand out against the self-styled
church members who wouldn’t even darken the door of such a meeting. As the meeting was about to close
one night the rain began to pour down very hard, and we were all soaking wet when a great disturbance
began taking place in the crowd.
My son Billy Paul came to me and said, “Daddy, there is a little mother down in the crowd–her baby
is dead and she is fighting her way past the ushers, and screaming so hard to get to you that none of us can
hold her.” I said, “Tell Bro. Moore to go and pray for her.” With that Bro. Moore made his way toward the
little Mexican woman in the audience who by this time had pressed nearly to the front. As he went toward
her I saw a vision of a little baby rising up. The little mother was looking to me and screaming, “Padre,
Padre!” I said, “Bring the little baby here.” I noticed it was motionless under a rain-soaked blanket. She told
me it had died hours earlier but she would not forsake it to the doctors or the funeral parlor, but brought it to
me for prayer. I laid my hands over on the little baby and offered a simple prayer to God, and God being my
witness, that little baby let out a squeal and began to kick as hard as he could. That alarmed all Mexico.
A mother’s love projecting, God’s grace taking over. Amen.
The Eleventh Commandment – 6
The next night they brought to me a wrinkle-faced man who was very old, and his clothes were so
ragged. As he stood before me he took out a string of beads and began to pray–I said, “Put them away my
brother, you have no need of them now.” Oh how I loved that old man, and felt so sorry for him–then I saw
his poor feet, no shoes, and his pants so ragged. With all this against the man, I just couldn’t believe that
nature too would be against him–but he was stone-blind! Looking upon this my heart gave way to a great
surge of love and sympathy, and I cried to God above, “Jesus, please have mercy on this old blind daddy.
Will you help him Father?” and I heard the man shout “Glory Adios !” and his full sight came back. What
was it? It was entering into that fellowship of His suffering. You must do it! If ever I’ve had success in
praying for someone it was when I could enter into fellowship with them, feel their infirmities, feel their
condition; then something in you goes down beyond reason and prays the prayer of faith for the sick. You’ve
got to feel for a man, you’ve got to sympathize with him, you’ve got to be with him before you can help him-
-then you enter into some sort of deepness–it’s the love of God that’s beyond human love.
I am going to tell you something else–you may class me a fanatic after this, but I’ll tell you anyhow.
All my ministry has been wrapped around love–if I can love, or be in sympathy with whatever is before me-
-something happens! When I was a game warden some years ago, I was out in the woods and fields going
about my job when I remembered that not far from where I was patrolling was a friend who was sick and
needed me. I thought I would just go to this friend now while I was so near, so I started across a field that
had been fenced knowing this was the shortest route. So I laid my gun down in the seat of the truck, hurdled
the fence, and started across the field to my friend’s house.
The Eleventh Commandment – 7
When I was about 200 yards or so from the fence I saw a great black bull rise up before me. Oh
where did he come from? Then I remembered it was a killer bull that had been taken from the Burk’s farm.
Only a few months before he had killed a man, but being a real fine breeder bull they had sold him to this
farm–and I had forgotten he was here. There he stood but 30 yards from me–I reached for my gun but it
wasn’t there, it was in the truck where I’d left it. Oh I’m glad I left it there, otherwise I’d have killed the bull,
then gone and paid for him. He pawed the ground a little and started for me. I knew the fence was too far
away, and all there was near me were the little scrub oak that he’d been lying behind. Oh what could I do?
No matter where I turned he had me–it was death! Then I thought of my Lord, and in my heart I said, “I’ll
walk to my death just as brave as I CAN walk, trusting Jesus Christ.” No sooner had that come from my
heart (now please don’t take this as juvenile) than something happened. Oh I wish it would happen right
now! Always in these cases “that something” happens. Instead of hating that bull I sympathized with him, I
loved him, and I was no more afraid of that animal than I am standing here with my brethren. All fear had
left and I thought, “Poor creature. I am on your territory–you’re an animal and you don’t know any
difference–you only know to protect your rights.” Then I said aloud to the bull these words, “Oh creature of
God, I am a servant of God and am on my way to pray for my sick brother. I am sorry I disturbed you, but in
Jesus’ Name go lie down.” With that he threw his hoofs forward into the dirt and stopped. I stood there just
as calm as I am now. That great killer bull had stopped his on-coming charge to kill me only 5 feet from me.
He was so bewildered he looked this way and that, then turned around and went over and laid down, and I
passed within 5 feet of him and he never moved any more. Oh, when love is put to the test it will defeat
every enemy and torment that there is on earth. The God that closed the lions mouths in the den still lives
today, my brother!
The Eleventh Commandment – 8
My wife, who is here somewhere tonight, always got after me for mowing the lawn with my shirt
off. I have about a half acre of grass where I live, a lot of lawn in front of the house as well as the back.
While mowing I would get too warm in the bright sun so I would slip off my shirt while in the back yard,
and mow for all I was worth. Directly a sick call would appear and I would run into the house, change from
jeans and sweaty clothes, and reappear in a few minutes more presentable. Well, this would keep up until the
front lawn would have grown up before I finished the back lawn for I could get in only a few rounds a day.
One hot afternoon I was in the back yard and no one was about to see me so I pulled off my shirt and
mowed hard and fast. I had forgotten that in the corner of the fence was a nest of hornets, and I rammed the
mower into that nest, and friends, God being my judge, in a moment’s time I was covered all over with
hornets. Now you know how dangerous is the sting of a hornet, it can kill you–and I was standing there with
no shirt on–then something happened! Love, that’s what it is. Instead of hating those hornets I thought,
“Poor little creatures of God, I have nothing against you. That is your home and I disturbed you.” Then I said
aloud to the hornets, “I am so sorry I forgot your home was there, and I startled you and disturbed you–
please forgive me.” That sounds childish, but I think it is better we are as children of God than always going
about acting like grown-ups taking things into our own hands so much. The hornets were all over me but I
wasn’t afraid of them and I said, “Little creatures, go back into your nest, I will not harm you.” And as God
lives, those hornets whirled around me three or four times and went right straight back into their nest. It was
love–oh the power of love my friends!
The Eleventh Commandment – 9
Another time when love appeared to move me with nature was this: Last summer I was sitting on the
porch with my good friends Leo and Gene teaching them the word of God. We had been in a deep lesson on
the subject–a mother’s love. That morning in the paper was a story of a beautiful young Negro girl who had
borne an illegitimate child, and she had taken it to the bridge over the Ohio River and dropped it into the
water wrapped in its blanket. The cab driver reported it to the authorities and they investigated and found it
so. We had been discussing this matter of how the woman surely had no love–she was a female who gave
birth to a child, but she was certainly no mother.
Directly we saw an opossum coming up my driveway. It had passed other yards which had no
fencing and came here to mine which was all fenced about, and as if it knew its way, for it didn’t try to crawl
under the fence, it came to the driveway, turned in, and on up toward my front porch. I said to the boys, “It
must have rabies or something, for opossums travel only at night–they can hardly see during the day.”
We went part way down the drive to meet it. I picked up a garden rake that Brother Woods had left
there from the day before and placed it over her carefully. Instead of playing ‘possum as she should have
done she began gnawing on the rake. This surprised me for at the slightest sign of danger they will always
play ‘possum–that is the origin of the expression.
The Eleventh Commandment – 10
I turned her over on her back and found she was badly injured–she had a broken leg and one side of
her head had been mashed in and was filled with dried blood. Flies had blown the wound causing maggots to
form, and it smelled like foul rotten flesh, being badly infected. As she lay on her back a few moments her
pouch in which she carried her young came open from weakness–her muscles were so tired and weakened
she could no longer hold the pouch closed. Nine little babies were there, and she had been nursing them. Oh
just think of that will you! With her dying breath and strength she was nursing her little babies, and trying to
protect them. I said to Leo and Gene, “Look boys, here is a real mother–she is using her last breath to fight
for her babies, where that colored woman threw her’s into the river. Here is the real genuine love of a mother
for her offspring.
Oh my heart was touched! just then she tried to get up again, so I let her, and she started up the drive
toward my house while we stood watching her. That opossum went right to my front steps and collapsed,
she never took another step. We walked over to her and at that moment brother and sister Woods came up.
Sister Woods who is a veterinary herself said to me, “It is hurt too badly to live so you’ll have to kill it
Brother Branham.” “Oh,” I said, “I can’t!” And she said, “But she will die and the babies will starve to
death.” She said, “Just take the babies and kill them quickly.” She assured me that it would be better to kill
them than let them suffer–but oh I couldn’t do that. So she said, “Well, go get a gun and shoot the poor thing
Brother Branham.” I said, “No, I don’t believe so Sister Woods. I just couldn’t.” Then she said, “You’re a
hunter, aren’t you?” and I said, “Yes, but I am not a killer.” So she said, “Well get my husband to do it then.”
But I didn’t quite see that that plan should go through either, so I said, “Well, let’s wait for awhile.”
The Eleventh Commandment – 11
The day wore on, and that evening I went out for a ride with my family. When we returned I went to
see if the ‘possum was still there. She was there alright, nearer death than ever. I knew that if she had had
any strength at all she’d have moved as soon as it was dark for they move at night–but she laid there and her
babies were still trying to nurse. Oh I felt so sorry for that poor wounded little animal lying there dying.
Early the next morning my daughter Rebekah came to me–it was about six in the morning and I had
just gone to my den room to meditate upon the Lord. She said, “Daddy, I just can’t get that old mother
opossum off my mind.” I said, “I can’t either Becky,” so we decided to go look at her and as we stood over
her there in the early morning she seemed worse than ever–her breathing was so slow you could scarcely
detect it. Becky started to cry so we went inside and I sent her on back to bed. I returned to the den room and
sat down, I thought, “Oh God, how that poor mother ‘possum must be suffering–how she must love those
babies. I hope I don’t have to see her killed.” And as I was sitting there something said to me, “You were
preaching yesterday about her, you used her as your text.” I said, “That’s right.” “You said she was a real
mother.” I said, “That’s right.” “But I sent her to your door, and she’s stayed at your door like a lady for 24
hours waiting for her turn to be prayed for, and you’ve never said a word.” I said, “Well, I didn’t…” I said,
“Who am I talking to? Am I talking to myself?” I jumped up and I thought, “Oh, is that you God?” I bowed
my head and cried, “Oh merciful God, forgive your humble servant for not knowing. I am sorry dear Lord to
be so stupid and so lacking in wisdom. Forgive me I pray dear Lord.” With that I hurried to the old mother
opossum and kneeling down by her I raised my head to God in prayer for her recovery, I laid my hand upon
her near-lifeless body and reverently prayed. As I stood to my feet again life began to come afresh into her
body–she jumped to her feet, gathered up her babies, looked up at me as if to say, “Thank you, kind sir,”
and started off across the lawn for the driveway. Down the driveway she went, then turned and went right
straight down the road the way she came and on into the woods! How I did rejoice, oh how I praised God!
He had led a poor old dying opossum to my door for prayer, and had raised it up into life–an animal that
doesn’t even have a soul for the Holy Spirit to dwell in–yet God led it by His mighty hand. As far as I know
she is living today, and has raised her little family.
The Eleventh Commandment – 12
If God, by His Holy Spirit, could lead a poor dumb opossum to me for prayer that her life might be
spared, of how much more worth are you than an opossum? Haven’t you also come here tonight for prayer,
my dear brethren? Surely if God could raise up an opossum, He could raise you. Oh let us look to Him with
all our hearts! You who are lying here sick, don’t you know the King of Kings is watching over you? Don’t
worry, don’t be afraid. You may say, “Oh but I am so insignificant to God,” but I say this–you are His child
and God wants you, He loves you. He so loved you that when His love was projected, sovereign grace took
its place and sent a Savior to redeem you back to Himself; in this Savior He was wounded for our
transgressions because He loved you. God saw the afflictions of His people and with His stripes you were
healed–God’s grace making a way, for His love required it. And when His love projected His feelings,
Christ stepped out to take His place–it required something to take the place–His love alone went for you,
and grace provided a sacrifice for you. Now you are only asked to believe it–“Whosoever believeth in Him
shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” I trust that you catch the vision.
The Eleventh Commandment – 13
Love is one of the greatest instruments there is in God’s economy. God IS love, the Bible says He is
love, and when you become one of His children you become a part of that love, a part of God’s economy,
you become a subject of His domain. When you do that you become a son or daughter of God, and He said
He would give you everlasting life.
Now the word used for everlasting life in the Greek is “zoe,” which means the life of God; then
God’s love projected to you makes you a part of Him after your conversion–then you become a child which
is “born of” or “come from” and that puts you in relationship with God so much that you are now a son or
God the Creator created all things by His power through His spoken Word, and everything that is the
Word of God made manifest. The entire world was made by Him, and how we do err when we try to ignore
God’s Word, or try to limit God’s power by our own imagination. The very earth that we stand on tonight is
only the Word of God made manifest–God made the world by His spoken Word. Oh my!
Why have you come here tonight to be prayed for? Where is your soul standing with God is my
question? Let us bow our heads now and speak to Him…and remember dear friends, if this were to be the
last message I ever preached, my word is truth, because the Bible says it’s the truth, the Holy Spirit operating
in my ministry proves it to be the truth, and the scientific world knows it’s the truth for it has actually been
photographed. Believe and see God work among you… For I believe that the light which is present now
while I pray for you, is the same as that which was photographed in the meeting in Houston, Texas. I also
believe–before God my Creator and Savior–that it is the same pillar of light that led the children of Israel
with Moses as their leader. I believe that the pillar of fire which is here now, and will reveal the secrets of
men’s hearts here tonight, is the same pillar of fire that came down and was made flesh and dwelt among us
in the form of the son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I came from God, and I go back to God,” and I
believe when He returned back to God He returned in the form of this light, the same form in which He
appeared to Moses and to the other prophets throughout the Bible. I believe it to be the same light that Paul
saw on the road to Damascus, even though they who were with him saw nothing. I believe the light which is
here beside me now is the same as that which led Peter out of the jail.
The Eleventh Commandment – 14
He is here right now answering prayer to a little woman sitting right here, she is a little black-haired
woman who is suffering with a nervous trouble. The man sitting next to her is suffering with back trouble–
you are husband and wife–raise your hands if that it true. I don’t know you and have never seen you, but the
Lord Jesus Christ makes you well. You are both healed. Amen.
I see the light now go to a man who has gall bladder trouble. Sir, your name is Clarence, and you
come from a place called Grand Prairie. That is right, is it not? Well, your gall bladder trouble is ended, sir.
You can go home and be well. Amen.
The Eleventh Commandment – 15
You say, “Brother Branham, you called that man’s name.” Did not Jesus Christ when He was here in
a body of flesh tell Simon that his name was Simon, and that his father’s name was Jonas, and that he would
be called Peter thereafter? Right! He is still the same. Amen.
The pillar of fire is now above a woman who suffers from high blood pressure. Your name is Mrs.
Fishbrook, and you’re from this city, you live on a street called 125th Street, your house number is 13104. If
that is right, raise your hand. Alright, go home, you are healed, lady. Jesus Christ makes you well.
Oh I challenge you people to believe. Look to God, and live, and believe! The light now comes
down here over this lady in the front row–Miss Pharr–have a heart trouble, have you not? Do you believe
God will make you well? Your father beside you has spiritual troubles. You’re not from this city, you’re
from the states, from a place that has hills. Its Warren, Pennsylvania. If that is right, raise your hand. You’re
healed now, both of you. Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
I’m going to do something now. Everyone who has grown cold in their hearts toward the Lord Jesus
Christ, all who are far from victory tonight, all sinners, come now to Christ who has just proven Himself to
you. Come now to the Lord Jesus all who want to lose their guilty stains… Christ is here! Come forward now
while He is here. Will you do it? Come sinner friend, backslider, cold, lukewarm, indifferent; come from the
balconies, we are giving you the opportunity to come now and accept this Lord Jesus who takes the sting out
of death. Surely I know what I am talking about. He would not let me do these things to prove that He is
here. You want to lose your guilty stains? Come right on down now, each one.
The Eleventh Commandment – 16
What is the matter with you Canadians? What is the matter? It is a good thing to be conservative, but
don’t be too starchy. You will grieve the Spirit away from you, and you won’t have a revival. Listen to me. I
speak in the Name of the Lord! Break up that stubbornness, and that starchiness that is among you; get to
your knees; you know you need repentance. I speak in Jesus Christ’s name! If you want to have a revival,
warm your hearts to God. I am a servant of God, a prophet of God, and there are those among you here
tonight who need to be around this altar. You better get right with God for the hour is coming when you’re
going to scream to find this and you won’t find it. That is “Thus saith the Lord!”
That is God speaking. Find your way to this altar, you who are indifferent–shame on you! When the
Holy Spirit will come and do the things He is doing right in the midst of you–and you sit here like you’re
frozen to death! Get out of your seats and get to the altar. Repent or perish! I don’t know why I am saying
this, but something is saying to me to say it. I am giving you a warning, this may be your last one too!
Repent! I don’t care what church you belong to–if you’re not repented and the love of God is not in your
hearts, you’re sinners and on your road to Hell! That is “Thus saith the Lord.”
The same God who discerns the spirits here and tells them their condition, is speaking right now. I
speak in Jesus Christ’s name. Fly to the altar, get to your repentance quickly before God turns the page over
on you, and you’re doomed forever! That is “Thus saith the Holy Spirit,” that is in the midst of us now!
The Eleventh Commandment – 17
That is blunt, but that is Him–I can only speak it. God knows I would not speak these things of
myself for anything. Something grabbed me and said to say that. I only obey God. While we sing one more
verse of There is a Fountain Filled with Blood, you better come. Oh how this country needs a breaking-up,
you have to have a breaking up before you can be re-molded again. You’ve just gone to church so long
you’ve gotten moss-backed and stiff about it. You need a repentance, you need an old-fashioned experience
of God’s love in your heart. And you remember–my voice will haunt you as long as you’re a mortal! That is
true! I speak in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
Let me say another thing: if you’ve got something against anyone, you better make it right, right
now! It is shutting off dark in this building. “My spirit will not always strive with man!” I believe I’d raise
right out of my seat and come if my heart was not just warmed up to God–I’d make my may to the altar.
Friends, I have not seen this happen in years. I never had such a feeling as that which came on me
just a few moments ago. When I saw it look like blackness waving through this building, something struck
me, and those were not my words, nor my will for my words. God knows that is the truth.
There is something wrong, just remember that. Listen friends, I am not a compromiser, nor one who
is wishy-washy. I tell the truth, and God vindicates that I do tell the truth. You just get so “churchy” you
leave Christ out! I am so glad to see your convictions, and this altar filled with honest hearts–it shows God
is moving. Now all of us together, let us pray and call upon our Lord while He will hear us. God will give
Edmonton a revival if you will obey… come let us call upon God. And remember this, we need a revival,
and your blood is not on Me in the day of judgment. I speak in Jesus name! Would you like to see another
night of Pentecost? It is up to you. The giver of Pentecost is here–the Holy Spirit. Pray, call upon God!
The Eleventh Commandment – 18
Oh, eternal God, I come in the name of Jesus Christ. Now the devil has been rebuked, sickness has
been made well, the gospel has been preached, and the power of God removed every demon power away
from this exhibition building. Oh Lord, break down every middle wall of partition, tear down
denominationalism, tear down ideals of that type, and let the Holy Ghost come just now to every heart like a
rushing mighty wind. Fill this great big audience here with the illuminating power of the Holy Ghost, set a
flame of fire in every heart. Oh, eternal God, who knows the hearts of men, who revealeth thyself as a
flaming fire, forgive every sin, take away trespasses, and make these people pure and white. Grant it Lord.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Lift your hands ye people, give Him praise… give Him praise!
I would like to share with you dear readers a few notes I have jotted down from time to time
concerning some outstanding events in the ministry of William Branham.
As you all no doubt know Brother Branham was to go overseas on a four-month tour around the
world. Word was received that the state churches and government officials heartily welcomed this move.
Holland, Germany, and Switzerland readied auditoriums with seating capacities of 25,000 to accommodate
the multitudes of people planning to attend. The royal government of Ireland was sending from its courts its
own committee to welcome him.
The Eleventh Commandment – 19
To the natural man no other plans or arrangements could have been better, no opportunity so great,
but Brother Branham does only as God directs and the Lord cautioned him to not go at this time. God
revealed to him dark clouds lying over cities he had planned to tour. It was indeed difficult for him to tell his
dear friends he could not go. Much harder was it to tell God’s needy people he could not go. Nevertheless he
told them and when he did he returned home. But he returned home somewhat saddened for his heart was
heavy. He felt many would not understand, many would be hurt and disappointed, and this is what troubled
him so. But our dear Brother Branham knows, above earth and all heaven, principalities and powers,
whatever they may be, that God’s way is best and what God speaks is final. Regardless of what man may
think or say he must obey God.
What grace it is to rest in these few words:
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His way in vain;
God is His own interpreter
And He will make it plain.
However disappointing the moment, or dark the hour, no man knows just what instant God appears
and all is changed. And it was so here. Within a few days a phone call reached Brother Branham. It was his
good friend Brother Sothmann of Canada who thought that a meeting in Tacoma would be in order. Later in
the day Rev. A. W. Rasmussen, pastor of Bethel Temple of Tacoma, called Brother Branham and it was
deep upon his heart that he should invite Brother Branham at this time to come to Tacoma to hold a meeting.
Here are two devout men of God, one requesting and the other inviting! But as always it is God who
does the “bestowing!” So He must speak! For what could Brother Branham say to them after telling
thousands around the world “no” and then say “yes” to so few? What could he say and be fair, within his
power? Not a word. But when an honest heart of pure integrity needs an answer God has just the one. How
wonderful, how great, how just like God to speak–listen to His words as He speaks to Brother Branham:
The Eleventh Commandment – 20
“Go Ye Up Again, to Tacoma.” Six little words–how little for God to speak, He who spoke the
world into existence. So brief and so plain. Without instructions, without mention of success, no words of
guidance, no pattern–just six words simply spoken. One would think God would outline the whole journey
in perfect detail. But for every commission, regardless of how simply spoken, God provides an abundance of
faith for the servant to draw from. And a bank of power unlimited on which, by His name, vast withdrawals
may be made on our part. When God speaks in this manner it appears so plain to me that by faith we will
bring God’s plan into manifestation as we go–step by step. God will make His whole plan as plain as His
spoken words as we on our part believe Him and act with simple faith.
Tacoma, with prayers continually and fastings often, was heard by God. He was sending His servant
to refresh them in the Spirit, to heal their sick, and to add to the church, His body, as only He could do
through His servant’s lips.
I was thrilled at the lovely Spirit of Christ among the Tacoma saints and others who from different
cities had come to join in this great meeting. I was at the meeting every day from 1 o’clock until 10:30 at
night. I sat at the bookstand in the rear of the building. For 9 1/2 hours every day I talked and fellowshipped
with the people who gathered, and answered their questions. Not one of them was unkind or unjust. Each
one seemed so meek and kindly, joyful, and peaceful. The whole meeting was a blend of faith and unity in
the Spirit. No one seemed for himself, but rather for his brother. There were no doctrinal testimonies of
fantastic signs or spurious works. Truly God came down to dwell in the meeting. It was the most unified
meeting I ever attended.
The Eleventh Commandment – 21
The fruits of the Spirit were in evidence, and the gifts of the Spirit were operating among the
congregation–prophecy, tongues, and interpretations, healings, and miracles. Dare I say dear reader how
many I’ve heard in the last four years in continuous meetings? I have heard and seen many such
manifestations through God’s sons and daughters in different places at different times. But never have I seen
them received with such reverence and respect and holy awe as were these prophecies and tongues with
interpretation. Oh the depth, the love, the completeness when God truly speaks amidst His people. It’s my
desire to share with you an outstanding prophecy.
Brother Branham had just finished preaching the sermon “We Would See Jesus,” and the audience
was in profound silence–nay, not one moved, nor a whisper heard. When God is about to speak He calls a
holy hush! Even Brother Branham who had been speaking softly suddenly stopped! Then all of a sudden a
voice was heard from the far balcony. There was no need of a microphone for God opened each ear as it
seemed! The air waves carried it plainly to ear and heart of all present. Let me quote it exactly–word for
word as recorded on my tape recorder:
“Yea saith the Lord to this my people, that my servant whom I have sent, even unto thee, even unto this
generation, he must speak boldly even as Paul, to convince these that I have sent him to.
The Eleventh Commandment – 22
“Yea for I have sent him my servant Branham. I have put My words in his mouth. Even as I have sent my
Son to die, and my people rejected Him–even so have I sent my son Branham, even in this thy day–unto
these he hath come.
“Yea they have assembled together, they have met in their secret chambers. The leaders of my people
have counseled together. They have passed judgment even upon him. They have said in their secret
chambers,–‘We shall reject him–we shall seek a fault with him. We shall find many faults with him, and we
shall teach our people. We shall tell them that this also is Beelzebub. Yea, it is not the Spirit of the Lord that
has sent him.’
“So I will judge them even by my servant Branham whom I have sent unto thee.
“For I will put my Spirit in my servants and if thou doth not yield to my Spirit thou shalt be broken. But if
it shall fall upon thee, if the Word of the Lord shall fall upon thee, thou shalt be crushed, and thy house left
unto thee desolate. This is the rock, yea if thou shalt fall upon it thou shalt be broken. But if it doth fall upon
thee it will grind thee to powder.
“And thus saith the Lord even unto those who have assembled together, thus saith the Lord unto those that
call themselves by those who have been filled with my Spirit: For ye have been my people–I have blessed
thee, I have anointed thee, but thou hast gathered together and hast rejected the servant of the Lord God that I
have sent unto thee. And even by sending him will I judge thee, and thy house shall be desolate–even in this
day, and in this hour. For thou shalt call for revival but the ear of the Lord shall not hearken unto thee, for
when I did call unto thee thou didst not know me. Thou wouldst be a strange people unto me when I would
speak unto thee. Yea thou hast become even as my people when I stood and cast out devils, and healed the
sick, and broke bread and multiplied it in thine eyes, thou said ‘he has a devil.’
The Eleventh Commandment – 23
“But unto him that hath an ear let him hear what saith the Spirit unto the churches, for I will speak unto
thee. I will send my servants unto thee and they shall bless thee and thou shalt be gathered unto me. Thou
shalt be blessed mightily as thou hast never been. Cast from thee the thinking of men and the ways of men and
turn to the Lord.”
This mighty prophecy speaks for itself! And at this time I shall let the analysis be yours. God
speaking by prophecy to us, warning us I’m sure, of danger present as well as danger ahead.
Now let me tell you the message of God by still another gift–tongues and interpretations.
When I came to Tacoma I found many fires still burning from the last meeting–fires of victory
burning to glorify God in earthen vessels. One such vessel I speak of was Mrs. John Lewin, 1313 Hood
Street, Aberdeen, Washington. She related to me this story, and in her own words it is as follows:
“In the summer of 1946 I got so large my friends and acquaintances thought I was going to be mother
again. I went then to our doctor. He said nothing. About two weeks later I experienced a terrible hemorrhage. I
returned to the doctor and his examination revealed a large tumor. Immediately the saints and I prayed but I
steadily grew worse. Finally the doctor told me I was “doomed with cancer,” and my body was badly eaten.
The Eleventh Commandment – 24
“A friend told me about Brother Branham who was coming to Portland, Oregon. We prayed desperately
for God to make a way for me to go, and He did. I was prayed for in the afternoon. Brother Branham told me I
had cancer and said, ‘In 72 hours this will pass from you. ‘I became ill the next day during the service. Going
to my room I grew sicker. I passed the cancer then and as l did its stench was nearly unbearable.
“My stomach remained large for several months. Then one morning it was normal as could be. I went to
the doctor a few months ago for a check-up and he reported there was not a trace of cancer in my body. I am
healed today! It has been eleven years since I was prayed for. I’m so grateful for my healing, and for Brother
Branham’s love and faithfulness to be a true servant of God.”
One thing on which Mrs. Lewin’s testimony enlightens us is the manner in which her healing took
place. Had it been a miracle she would immediately have been whole, but her healing took a period of time.
True she did pass the cancer in 72 hours, but the healing of the broken tissues and the rebuilding of the cells
was a gradual process. Yet one could say it was a miracle for any prayer that stops death and brings life
again is nothing short of a miracle. Nevertheless I believe a miracle is a manifestation that declares itself
instantly, whereas a healing is gradual rebuilding of body cells in a period of time. Now we know a miracle
is the instantaneous creation and restoration of dead cells and body tissue. I will illustrate what I mean. It
involves a little Indian boy nine years old. His name is Toni James, Route 1, Box 326, Shelton, Washington.
The Eleventh Commandment – 25
Little Toni James came to the meeting stone blind. This was his condition since eight months old
when he fell from his crib and a blood clot formed inside both eyes as a result of the fall. Later scar tissue
developed and finally after many trials the doctors gave up all hope and told Toni’s mother, “Your son will
never see again! Take your boy home for it is hopeless.” The doctor also told her that the most he would
ever see was a shadow of light from one eye, the other was totally destroyed.
At the age of six years Toni entered the Washington State School for the Blind. In the meantime
Toni’s father heard of a prophet in this our generation whose name was William Branham. He heard of the
many healings and miracles God had worked by this man’s hands. Hope sprang up in the father’s heart at the
news of these good tidings. As time passed Toni’s father developed a deep respect and admiration for this
prophet whom he had never seen. He welcomed all reports concerning him and his faith grew and so did
little Toni’s. They both believed someday God would let him see.
When the news reached Toni’s father that Brother Branham was coming to Tacoma he purposed in
his heart to be the first one there. And on Wednesday evening, the first night the great campaign started,
there was Mr. James and his blind son, the first ones there in the front rows. Everything they had heard
concerning Rev. Branham was true. It now became a living truth before their eyes. With their hearts
overjoyed they hurried home with the good tidings of what they had witnessed.
Thursday night Toni and his father were again among the first there. This night they brought Toni’s
mother and grandmother. When it came time to minister to the sick everyone was real quiet. In a few
seconds Brother Branham began to call people from the audience–oh, so many were called, and many more,
for faith was strong among the people. Finally Bro. Branham’s eyes fell upon Toni. A deep silence fell. Then
looking directly at Toni’s mother he said, “Bring your blind son to me.” With haste Mrs. James brought Toni
to the platform. Then standing before Brother Branham she offered her son to a prophet’s arms! Brother
Branham gently held the boy in his arms to his bosom and in deep reverence prayed.
The Eleventh Commandment – 26
Immediately, within a twinkle of Toni’s eyes, sight was restored, and little Toni beheld with his own
eyes God’s prophet to this generation. Brother Branham stood up then and spoke to the mother, saying,
“You’re suffering with pain and doctors cannot help you–you’re healed also.” Then he turned to Toni’s father
and said, “Sir, you’re healed also.” Turning yet again he stopped at Toni’s grandmother and said, “Thy faith
hath healed thee also.”
At this moment the crowd swayed under the power of God. People were rejoicing, and crying, and
praising God. Then the healing power of God fell upon the people in great waves. I stood in the back of the
building, tears flowing down my face. I remember myself saying, “Dear Lord, dear Lord, no wonder it is
written ‘a little child shall lead them.'”…
From blindness to perfect sight–truly a miracle. But even this had a skeptic’s doubt. Mrs. James’ best
friend came to her and said, “It can’t be so, you prearranged this.” Mrs. James sharply reproved her friend
and said, “Look at my son’s eyes.” When the skeptical friend looked into Toni’s eyes he saw he could not
deny what God had done, and turned away. That evening on the way home Mrs. James re-enacted the night’s
events in her mind. She just couldn’t realize it all had happened. Somehow she began to doubt and then God
spoke to her heart and said, “Do not doubt or the healing will be lost, but believe.” The following evening
this wonderful interpretation took place and Mrs. James truly knew its value:
The Eleventh Commandment – 27
“Behold saith the Spirit of the Lord to this people–Have I not promised to be with you even unto the ends
of the world? Have I not promised thee that I shall confirm my word with signs and wonders following the
ministry? Yea I say unto my people if you lift up your hearts and only believe for My promise is unto thee and
ye shall see the glory of that I have promised thee from the foundation of the world. It is My Spirit that shall
go forth and shall do the work the Father has commanded to do. Yea I say my people, look unto Me and be
saved. I say my people, look unto me and be healed.”
Friends, this interpretation was so powerful that the saints present were in silence of holiness
receiving it. Oh the strength to our weary hearts when God speaks. I’m so glad He spoke those words–for
our faith at best is weak, and our strength feeble. Ah but ’tis His grace that shall stand the test.
Many people then knew God had spoken, and that they all should believe. Mrs. James was among
these who knew that to believe was something God required.
Thus the wonderful blessings of God rained down again on Tacoma. Oh for a prophet to hear God
speak “Go Ye Up Again.” What it means to know that our generation is not without a God-sent prophet!
And truly we all rejoice to see God manifest Himself in our midst, in love, bringing us to the unity of the
faith. I believe I know fully what to expect when God speaks and sends His servant into a city–we can
expect to hear from heaven.
Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today and forever. How true this is. I would count it a privilege to
tell those who are sick or suffering that Jesus Christ healed me when medical authority could do nothing.
Praise GOD! Man’s extremities are GOD’S opportunities.
The Eleventh Commandment – 28
In 1952, I started to have headaches. They became more frequent as time passed and I began having
blackout spells which came without warning. My sense of balance left me and I suffered more and more
with headaches. During this time I consulted our family physician frequently. He suggested I consult an
Optometrist and have a thorough checkup on my eyes. This was done but the optometrist could find no
connection between my headaches and my eyes. Several times our doctor suggested I go to a good clinic and
have a complete physical checkup. Finally in July 1954 he told me he could do nothing for me and urged me
to go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. I was extremely tired all the time and the spells came more
frequently. I had to quit driving our car due to the spells and impaired vision. Much of my time was spent in
bed but I never seemed to get rested.
Finally in Oct. 1954 I went to War Memorial Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. I spent eight
days there undergoing a complete physical examination. The doctor we had while at this hospital was one I
had known for years and I trusted and respected his ability. When he released me from the hospital, he also
suggested I go to a clinic for diagnosis. He said he felt it was serious.
Dec. 1954 I agreed to go to Mayo Clinic. An appointment was made and I spent almost two weeks
going through examinations and under observation. The final tests at the Medical Sciences building
consisted of the recording of an electroencephalogram which is commonly called the brain wave test. Two
or three days later I was sent back again to the Medical Sciences building where the electroencephalogram
was recorded under the influence of an activating drug, the name of which is Metrazel. It was their opinion
as a result of the clinical findings that I had a growth on the brain, the pressure causing me to blackout.
The Eleventh Commandment – 29
I returned home sick and discouraged. My husband who so often had heard me tell how Jesus Christ
healed the same as in Bible days challenged me to believe God for my healing. He had never attended a
church that taught Divine healing but many times I had told him about friends of mine who trusted God for
everything. He was ready to believe God for my healing. He told me he would take me any place if we could
only find out where there would be a meeting. I had often been told about a minister who prayed for the sick
by the name of Rev. Wm. Branham. We found out he would be ministering in the Philadelphia Church in
Chicago, Jan. 12, 1955.
If God would only spare my life so I could attend those meetings. My brother and wife came home
from California to help and encourage us. There was also a dear saint of God who lived here while her
husband was supervising work being done on the Mackinac Straits Bridge. Her name was Mrs. J. A.
Hightower from Memphis, Tenn. She had been healed of a cancer so she could speak from experience. She
took a special interest in me and prayed and encouraged me to trust God. Three or four of my friends would
come to may home and pray for me and God would meet us in such a precious way. How I thank God for
prayer warriors.
At this time I was losing a pound a day. On Jan. 10, 1955 we left our home for the Salvation, Healing
meetings to be conducted in Chicago by Bro. Branham. Our neighbors thought it a foolish trip that my
husband would take me such a distance in my condition. We live about 500 miles from Chicago. It took us
two days to make the trip. Many times I thought death would take me before we would get to our
The Eleventh Commandment – 30
Jan. 13 about 10 a.m. we arrived at the Philadelphia Church. My folks inquired for Bro. Branham
and were told we couldn’t see him until the evening service. A couple of young men who were attending the
Bible School of the Church suggested that I be brought into the prayer room of the church where I could rest
till the evening service. In the afternoon the dean of the college came in and seeing my condition prayed that
God would spare my life until the evening service.
When the service began I was placed at the side of the altar on a cot. In my moments of
consciousness I prayed God would save my husband and heal my body. It seemed I was only semiconscious. My body felt cold and numb. Cold sweat stood out over my entire body.
After Bro. Branham had delivered his message, he called the prayer line. While he was praying for
the people in the prayer line, God began to show him something. He asked the audience to be reverent. He
said, ‘I see a large building with a tall towering spire. This building sits in a city, the city lies in a valley. It is
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. I see a woman who is taken to this clinic by a loved one. She comes from
Michigan. She was sent home from this clinic. She has a brain disease which causes a pressure. Bro.
Branham then looked around the audience and sees me on the cot and says, ‘God Bless You, Sister on the
stretcher, it’s you. Arise, take up your bed and walk. Jesus Christ has healed you. Go home, you are well and
God bless you.
As the Holy Spirit spoke through Bro. Branham I felt as though a hand was laid on my head. I could
never describe how I felt. Words can’t describe that touch. It was as though a cleansing fire went from top of
my head through the soles of my feet. The power and presence of the Lord came upon me, strength went
through my body and I was made completely whole. How I praise God for His goodness to me.
That night my husband accepted the Lord as his Savior, and it is our desire to serve Him till He calls
us home.
The Eleventh Commandment – 31
I am writing this testimony three years after my healing and I want to thank God as I never have a
headache or pain of any kind in my head. I can truly say Jesus Christ is my Savior, Healer, Baptizer and
Friend. He is my all in all. It is my prayer that this testimony may help someone to trust God who does all
things well.
Your Sister in Christ,
Mrs. Wesley Eveleigh
890 No. State St.
St. Ignace, Mich.
P.S. I would like to thank Bro. Jos. Mattson Boze, pastor of the Philadelphia Church in Chicago for
his kindness and words of encouragement when I needed it most. God bless him is our prayer.