Simplicity – Branham Quotes
Just trust Him, simplicity of the trust. Just lean your shoulders against His, and adore Him with all the adoration that you can pour out, and walk with Him daily. Now, you’ll see Him”
61-0205E – Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
A humble, submitted heart, in the simplicity , is what brings you to God. That’s true. Amen. A humble heart, God loves. Now, no matter if you don’t know your abc’s, that don’t make any difference. Just a humble heart, God dwells in a humble heart, not in education, it’s not in schools, not in theology, seminaries, not in all these other different places, not in big words, or not in classical places. God dwells in human hearts. And the lower you can break yourself down, the more simple, you can become greater in the sight of God”
53-0609A Demonology Religious Realm
God dwells among His people in simplicity . Just the least that you can study, or try to figure out, why, you just don’t do that, you take Him at His Word like a child and go ahead”
59-0611 The Time Of Decision
God is not known by education; He’s not known by how to explain it. God is known by simplicity and of revelation of Jesus Christ in the most illiterate person. See? Not your theology; it’s a revelation of Jesus Christ”
63-0728 Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed
God lives in humility and simplicity “
53-1106 Do You Now Believe
God doesn’t look at human prestige. He looks at the simplicity of faith”
55-0620 Contending For The Faith
God saved the world by simplicity , showing Hisself so humble”
63-0728 Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed
The trouble with us tonight, we tried to be an adult in God, when we ought to be babies in God. We know so much. God dwells in the center of humility and simplicity . Don’t never forget that”
Love 56-0726
God always sends a revival of simplicity and breaks the thing to pieces. That’s right. That’s what we need today is the simpleness. That’s what the nation needs today, is the simplicity of faith in Christ to surrender themselves unselfishly with their whole heart, soul, and mind, and all they are to the Lord Jesus. Just simple, you don’t have to learn nothing at all; just believe that Jesus died to give you the blessing”
60-0630 God’s Provided Approach To Divine Fellowship
And you get the–the simplicity of a child believe that you’re going to get well, and believe that this little prayer is what God asked me say for you, and you shall have what you’ve asked for, if you just believe it”
47-1207 Experiences #1
Christ preached the way of simplicity will stir the people. It’s the power of God. “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me”
50-0716 Believest Thou This
May the Blood stand between us and all danger. And may the simplicity of the Gospel attract the attention of everyone. For we ask it in the Name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen”
51-0720 The Angel Of God
There’s a way to approach: simplicity . Don’t never think you’re better than somebody. Don’t think God owes it to you. You owe it to God. Come humble”
51-0729A The Resurrection Of Lazarus
I tell you, brother, what we need today is the old fashion, simple Gospel, Holy Ghost power preached in Its simplicity , then “If I be lifted up from the earth, I’ll draw all men unto Me.” Yes, sir”
53-0328 Israel At Kadesh Barnea
Listen. Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ though in its simplicity , it’s the most powerful message that was ever preached, or ever said: the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And there he stirred the regions around about”
55-0612 – The Presence Of The Lord Jesus
It doesn’t take the great elaborate things; it takes the simplicity and faith to believe, is what it takes. That’s what makes it”
55-0724 Enticing Spirits
God is so simple, works so simply, that you go over the top of it with some great, high, doxology somewhere, and you miss God. It’s because you don’t look in the simplicity to see Him”
58-0202 Escape Hither Come Quickly
Smart, intelligent, great men, but failed to see the simplicity and the working of the Holy Spirit. God, make men’s hearts to be open and eyes to be open, that they can see the hour we’re living”
58-0202 Escape Hither Come Quickly
God dwells among His people in simplicity . Just the least that you can study, or try to figure out, why, you just don’t do that, you take Him at His Word like a child and go ahead”
59-0611 The Time Of Decision
The Gospel in its simplicity , just as simple as the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is, yet it’s the greatest power that’s ever struck the earth, is the Gospel of Christ. And the Gospel is not in Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit”
61-0402 The True Easter Seal
It’s the simplicity of the Gospel that staggers the people. They try to make it a great intellectual something another, when it’s the simpleness. But God takes the very tool of humility and weakness and simplicity to work His works with”
61-1119 Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness
Christianity is attractive, if it is preached in its simplicity and truth (See?), not making some great, swelling, high, educated words”
62-0718 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
This time we have two more tables of law–the New and Old Testament. And that’s God’s Urim Thummim to me. If God doesn’t speak back through His Word when we see something, then just leave it alone. But as long as It’s the Word, then I know that heavens and earth will pass away but His Word will never fail. Therefore, I believe the Bible to be the absolute truth of God, and it isn’t to be added to or taken away from, but just lived preached in Its simplicity , lived the way It’s wrote “
662-0727 We Would See Jesus
It’s so simple, till the big intelligent people today stagger right over the top of such simplicity . See? That’s the reason they miss it. They try to figure it out. You can’t figure it out. You believe it. You just believe it”
63-0117 Awakening Jesus
It’s so simple. And we know that God is so great, till we expect it to be some great something, and we miss the simple things. We stumble over simplicity . That’s how we miss God, is by stumbling over simplicity . God is so simple until the scholars of these days and all days miss Him a million miles; because in their intellects, they know that there’s nothing like Him so great. But in His revelation, He makes it so simple they go plumb over the top of it and miss it”
63-0317(M) God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
Gather together and study over it. Miss Him by the way that He reveals Himself, for He is so great, yet hides Himself in simplicity to make Hisself known to the least. See? Don’t try to get the great, because he goes over the top of it; but listen to the simplicity of God, and then you find God right here in the simple way. High-polished worldly wisdom, educated, always misses Him”
63-0317(M) God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
When he couldn’t do it by a military training, by an education, by a scientific education, and by a military force, he could not do it, and He give him an old crooked stick off the desert, and he did it with it: God in humility, simplicity . God was in the stick and in Moses. And as long as Moses had the stick, then God had it, because God was in Moses. Sure”
63-0317(M) God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
God lives in simplicity to manifest Hisself in greatness. What makes Him great? Because He can simplify Himself. A big great man can’t simplify himself; he’s got to be a dignitary”
63-0317(M) God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
God manifested Himself in simplicity . He makes Hisself simple so that the wise will not understand. Jesus said, “I thank Thee, Father. Thou hast hid this from the wise and prudent, and will reveal it to babes such as will learn.” Don’t never try to educate yourself to God. When you do, you educate yourself away from God. See? God’s not known by education. God’s knowing by faith”
63-0412E God Hiding Himself In simplicity
When God displays Himself in simplicity , then they don’t recognize it at all. It’s above their way of thinking. They’ve got it all fixed up the way that they think it ought to be, and if it doesn’t come that way, they won’t receive it. That’s the only way; that’s what’s always been the trouble. Remember, the way up is down”
63-0412E God Hiding Himself In simplicity
God saved the world by simplicity , showing Hisself so humble”
63-0412E God Hiding Himself In simplicity
God makes Hisself known in simplicity , not in smartness and shrewdness. That’s of the devil. Follow the training. Where did Cain’s children, what happened to his? The devil’s kids, what happened to them? They all become smart educators, scientists, and so forth. Follow Seth’s children: humble peasants, sheep raisers, and so forth. At the end of the world, what happened? At the end of the antediluvian world, what happened? They were all lost”
63-0412E God Hiding Himself In simplicity
They was so highly polished until they missed the simplicity of it, and sometimes walk over the top of it, make fun of it. It reminds me of the old proverb, “Fools will walk with hobnailed shoes where angels fear to trod.” A man will see the works of God going on, and know that it’s the works of God, and stand and call it the works of the devil”
63-0412E God Hiding Himself In simplicity
God is known by simplicity and of revelation of Jesus Christ in the most illiterate person. See? Not your theology; it’s a revelation of Jesus Christ”
63-0728 Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed
It takes simplicity to bring the power of God”