Matthew 19:29-30

Matthew 19:29-30A Knock At The Door
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Brother Keith Herne, Cape Town VGR office manager, sent us this testimony. The Lord Jesus heard Brother Keith’s sincere prayer, and it produced a most unlikely visitor.

Just a little testimony of what has happened and of the goodness of our Lord Jesus.

Last week in the prayer meeting, I felt such a burden on my heart. I prayed and asked the Lord for just one more soul that I can introduce Him to. On Sunday we had communion and feet washing, and the brother I washed feet with also asked the Lord to send me one person that I can speak to.
On Monday morning, less than twelve hours later, the Lord answered my prayer.

There was a knock on the door of the office. I went to see who it was and saw a bearded, young man with a torn cap and dirty clothes.
He asked if he could speak to some body. I replied that I am some body and he can start talking. At first, I thought it was a beggar.

He told me that he is a Muslim and someone gave him a Gideon’s Bible, and was told to read the first five books in the Bible. With him being a Muslim it was forbidden to read the Bible, and when his family caught him reading it, they threw him out of the house.
He said what he read in the Bible stirred him and he started searching for someone to tell him more, and that was the reason why he came to the office.

His name is Imraan. I asked him what he was looking for in the Bible. He said that he wanted to know about Jesus because in the Muslim religion they believe that Jesus is just another prophet. He asked his teacher at the mosque and they warned him not to question them.

I told him about God’s salvation plan for the human race and why Jesus Christ had to pay the price for our redemption. Knowing that the Muslims lean on works, I asked him if God had to give every human that is born, a tick sheet and he has to tick off every stage of his life, and I asked if he can think of anyone who can tick every requirement according to God’s prescription and not man’s interpretation. He acknowledged that no one can meet the requirements according to God’s tick sheet, and everyone will fail the test.

Then I told him that is the reason why Jesus Christ is the perfect One and that He wants him to hand over his sheet of failures in exchange for the one that Jesus Christ has passed. Because that is the only way that God will accept us. Right there and then he said he wanted to give up his life of sin and repented, and that he wants the life of Jesus.

He wants to be baptized now and that I will do.

I spoke to him about the prophets and he agreed that we are at the end. Then I told him that God has extended His love and grace to us by sending us a prophet by the name of William Marrion Branham.

He left the office a very happy man, but it struck me that I did not give him a Message book.

Two hours later, he returned still beaming from ear to ear. I took him into the book section and gave him a Church Age book. I also gave him some clothes because the ones that he had on were pretty bad.
Some hours later, at 9:00pm that night I received a call from him. He was crying. He said that he was walking from the hospital and if he could come and see me.

When he arrived his head and his eye were bandaged. He said that his older brother and his father found out where he was and that he wanted to be a Christian. They beat him and threatened his life because he was accepting Jesus Christ. He said that the joy that he experienced earlier had left him. He said that his life is in danger and that he had to flee. If a Muslim turns to be a Christian, he is in danger even unto death. He asked me why can’t he die right now that he has found the Lord. I told him that I also wanted the Lord to take me Home long time ago and many a times, but the Lord kept me for his sake. That’s how much the Lord loves him so that he could find what he was searching for. All of a sudden he started smiling. Then I also told him, now that he has found what he was searching for, it is his opportunity to tell some one else.

He said that he was planning on meeting a long distance trucker who would take him to a place that is five hundred kilometers away, because his brother and father were looking for him and he was in danger. I prayed for him and gave him a King James Bible.

This morning I heard some one at the office door and it was Imraan again. He said while he was waiting for the trucker he started the Church Age book. He said when he came to page 37, he read about Joseph’s brothers rejecting him. He said that is exactly what is happening to him. Then he read in the Bible where the Lord said he has placed before him an open door that no man can shut. He said that is what has happened to him when he came to the office the first time.

He said that he felt such a surge going through him that he said he will not be on the run because of fear. He believes what God said in His Word that He will never leave him nor forsake him.
He asked me, “Brother Keith, is this the God that you serve?” I was proud to say yes. Then he wanted to know more about Brother Branham.

While he was waiting for the truck that night, a man approached him and asked him why he was all bandaged up. He said that he embraced something and was punished for it. That same man offered him a job.

God Bless you.

Bro Keith


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