Joseph Branham – Son of William Branham
Parents: William Marrion Branham, Meda Marie Broy
Grandparents: Charles C. E. Branham, Ella Rhee Harvey
Almost five years before his introduction to the world, during a petition and study time, Brother Branham started to consider the Genesis story of Joseph and what a forceful godly man he was. Out of nowhere, a Voice talked, saying, “You will have a child, and you will call his name Joseph.” Years after the fact, on May 19, 1955, these words happened when Brother Joseph Marrion Branham was conceived.
While holding his child in his arms at the special raised area and committing his life to the Lord, Brother Branham expressed gratitude toward the Lord for satisfying His guarantee. At that point he tended to the child with these words:
“Joseph, my kid, I offer you to God, and may your life be a gift. May you be a prophet, Joseph. May God’s elegance lay on you. May the God of your dad, the Lord Jesus Christ, ever favor you and make your life a gift to other people.”
Since he was a youngster, Brother Joseph felt a bring in his life to serve the Bride of Christ. Reflecting back when I, as a little fellow working at Spoken Word Publications, would box the books and spot them in canvas sacks; I can see the extraordinary arrangement of God. As I would compose the addresses on these crates, I would think about the while that it would take for these books to arrive at their last goals.
It disturbed me to think about the reports that we would get portraying the poor condition that the books would be in when they showed up. Subsequent to being in ships for a while, commonly presented to the components and tossed around all around, they were completely obliterated. Here and there, there would not be any books left, only the pack loaded with wet paper.
I thought, “Master, these couple of books for the entire Bride of these nations? It won’t verge on addressing their necessities. With these couple of books to go around, they will never get the opportunity that I have; to hear the Voice of the Seventh Church Age Messenger. There must be a way.” It appeared to be an incomprehensible undertaking.
At the point when the Lord put me in the work at Voice Of God Recordings, He drove me to set up libraries around the globe; Lighthouses where the individuals could come and get the books and tapes of Brother Branham. Gracious, how I was excited that the individuals would now have a spot in their nation to hear the Message of great importance.
From those early years as of recently, Brother Joseph has never lost that weight to serve the Bride of Christ. In 1981, he established Voice Of God Recordings. What began with four representatives has transformed into an overall service that influences the lives of a large number of predestinated spirits every day.
Under Brother Joseph’s initiative, Voice Of God Recordings copies a huge number of Brother Branham’s lessons, prints a large number of Message books, and makes an interpretation of many lessons into different dialects consistently. About 95% of this material is dispersed complimentary to devotees to pretty much every nation on earth. What’s more, the Lord keeps on gift this service.
Sibling Joseph wants to work with any individual, church, clergyman, or gathering of individuals to spread Brother Branham’s Message, insofar as cooperating doesn’t mean settling on the nature of the material or settling on a single word that Brother Branham expressed.
He accepts that the individuals ought to get the absolute best accounts and interpretations conceivable. Sibling Branham gave us an ideal Message, and we ought to endeavor to ensure each word is interpreted effectively, every tape has the most ideal quality, and each book is printed similarly as he talked it.
Alongside his obligations at Voice Of God Recordings and the Branham Tabernacle, Brother Joseph is additionally a given spouse, father, and granddad. He and his significant other, Sister Valerie, have two youngsters – Brother Isaac and Sister Princess, and six thousand kids. Sister Princess and her better half, Brother Jeremy Evans, work with Brother Joseph at Voice Of God Recordings.
The longing to serve the Bride of Christ is consuming as solid as ever inside Brother Joseph. Sibling Branham’s petition: “May the God of your dad, the Lord Jesus Christ, ever favor you and make your life a gift to other people” has positively happened in Brother Joseph’s weight to see his dad’s Message go to God’s predestinated seed.
“In all genuineness, I will say that the craving to be a worker to the Bride of Christ around the globe despite everything consumes in my heart similarly as strongly as it did when Voice Of God Recordings made its first tape!”
From those early years as of recently, Brother Joseph has never lost that weight to serve the Bride of Christ. In 1981, he established Voice Of God Recordings. What began with four representatives has transformed into an overall service that influences the lives of a large number of predestinated spirits every day.
Under Brother Joseph’s initiative, Voice Of God Recordings copies a huge number of Brother Branham’s lessons, prints a large number of Message books, and makes an interpretation of many lessons into different dialects consistently. About 95% of this material is dispersed complimentary to devotees to pretty much every nation on earth. What’s more, the Lord keeps on gift this service.
Sibling Joseph wants to work with any individual, church, clergyman, or gathering of individuals to spread Brother Branham’s Message, insofar as cooperating doesn’t mean settling on the nature of the material or settling on single word that Brother Branham expressed.
He accepts that the individuals ought to get the absolute best accounts and interpretations conceivable. Sibling Branham gave us an ideal Message, and we ought to endeavor to ensure each word is interpreted effectively, every tape has the most ideal quality, and each book is printed similarly as he talked it.
Alongside his obligations at Voice Of God Recordings and the Branham Tabernacle, Brother Joseph is additionally a given spouse, father, and granddad. He and his significant other, Sister Valerie, have two youngsters – Brother Isaac and Sister Princess, and six thousand kids. Sister Princess and her better half, Brother Jeremy Evans, work with Brother Joseph at Voice Of God Recordings.
The longing to serve the Bride of Christ is consuming as solid as ever inside Brother Joseph. Sibling Branham’s petition: “May the God of your dad, the Lord Jesus Christ, ever favor you and make your life a gift to other people” has positively happened in Brother Joseph’s weight to see his dad’s Message go to God’s predestinated seed.
“In all genuineness, I will say that the craving to be a worker to the Bride of Christ around the globe despite everything consumes in my heart similarly as strongly as it did when Voice Of God Recordings made its first tape!”
Curtsey : Voice of God Recordings (For the Fair Use of Message of this Hour)
Quotes of Prayer By Bro Branham For Joseph Branham
At the dedication of his son, Joseph, William Branham prayed the following prayer:
In a little closet, way yonder in the north lands You promised this child to me. Father, may Your blessings rest upon Him. Joseph, my boy, I give you to God, and may your life be a blessing. May you be a prophet, Joseph; may God’s grace rest on you. May the God of your father, the Lord Jesus Christ ever bless you and make your life a blessing to others. In Jesus Christ’s Name I bless this child. Amen
Somehow, when I was in our church. Many of you sprinkle them in baptism, infant baptism; that’s all right. We try to follow the Bible. Jesus picked up little children and blessed them. We dedicate them. And in dedication of the little boy at the altar, somehow, I was inspired to say, “Joseph, thou art God’s prophet.” And maybe when I leave, I pray that a double portion of the Spirit will come upon Joseph for the age to come, if there is one
Opinions of Joseph Branham
Joseph Branham believes the tapes are “the absolute”, that William Branham is his “pastor” and that the tapes/books/MP3s fulfill the Minister’s job. The second opinion is that the fivefold ministry, Eph 4:11, is to preach what they study from the tapes and Bible.
Joseph Branham from the Russian Ministers Meeting says:
“I believe that everything Brother Branham says is Thus Saith The Lord.”
“This Message has to be my absolute. Brother Branham said you have to have an absolute.”
“Is this Message your absolute? If this Message is your absolute then we can fellowship with one another. If you have another absolute, if you take another man’s idea, another man’s thought, his interpretation, then we can’t fellowship.”
“Our absolute told us where to pay our tithes and offerings.”
“Now we agree that this Message is our Absolute, Amen?”
Quotes from Joseph Branham in St. Petersburg Russia 2006
Brother Joseph Branham on Coronavirus (Covid 19)
19th March 2020 *Coronavirus*
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In every age, God always prepares His children to escape the wrath and judgment of the world. In the days of Moses, ten plagues struck all the land of Egypt, but the children of Israel were safe within their homes in Goshen. They never received one plague, which was a type of the church going up just before the tribulation period.
We are all aware of the Coronavirus spreading around the world, and many have asked me, “what does this mean Brother Joseph?” Well, to me, the answer is clear, the Coming of the Lord is soon at hand. Jesus said, “When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head, your redemption is nigh.”
And by His Grace, HE HAS PREPARED HIS CHILDREN ONCE AGAIN. Our USA government has essentially shut down our churches almost overnight, but that does not affect us, His Bride. They have quarantined many to the confinement of our homes, but that does not affect the Bride. For over the past few years, the Lord has been teaching us, whispering love letters, and preparing us for the training we need to have today.
These news reports should not make us fear, friends, but it should make us rejoice. In our local congregation here in Jeffersonville, *He has showed us that some of the most Spiritually edifying church services are when we gather not at the Tabernacle, but with our family in our Home Tape Service on Sunday.* How many times have we done that over the past few years! Although we love to assemble ourselves together often on Sunday, as we should do, *He has taught us that we can be like Rahab, and make our own home a Church.*
_But there must have been some tape boys slipped in somewhere, for the predestinated seed. They slipped over to her house and played some tapes. She made her–her own house a church, to receive the Message. They still got them, you know. The Message got to the predestinated Seed, anyhow. We don’t know how It got there, but It got there, so that the Just will not perish with the unjust._
Doesn’t it give you a peace within your heart to know that the very God that saved Rahab from judgment, is the same God leading us in this hour? We should truly be the happiest and most thankful people in the world.
In early February, just days before Coronavirus was a hot topic, the Lord led us to fast and pray in our homes together for the first time as a group. Friends, can’t you see the prophecy being fulfilled as one month later that a large part of the world would be confined to their homes, and how there are now shortages on food throughout markets around the world?
These uncertainties in the world should not scare us, but we should walk with ASSURANCE, as God has prepared us for these things. We must not look at the Coronavirus pandemic carnally, but through Spiritual eyes.
For truly, God in His Mercy, has provided us a Message in this hour to lead us just as He did in the days of Moses. We must always keep our eyes on the Message. *Let’s not govern our lives around what the media says, but let’s find out what the Message says about these things* .
Hear the Voice of God to this generation, and I promise you will not find this hour to be a troublesome time, but you will find a Promise that the Bride will be saved from the epidemics of the world, and carried safe in the Arms of God.
We are abiding by the State and Federal requirements of no large gatherings and so forth, as we should do, but this will not waiver our Spiritual growth a bit. He has prepared us, by His Grace. For we know now more than ever that His perfect Will for the international Bride is to unite by hearing the Message of the hour. He has stored up the Food, and has given us the opportunity to hear the Voice of God to this generation 24-7, and That is perfecting the Bride for the soon coming Rapture. PRAISE HIS WONDERFUL NAME.
Do not fear these things that have the world in such a panic, friends. Don’t look right or left, but STAY WITH THE MESSAGE…STAY WITH THE MESSAGE…. STAY WITH THE MESSAGE!!! This is God’s provided Way for His Bride today. God just wants us to look up, for our redemption is drawing nigh.
May God bless you,
*Brother Joseph Branham*