Bro Branham about Watching Television

Bro Branham about Watching Television

Bro Branham about Watching Television

Now regarding this topic of buying a Television to just watch news.
Well when we look at what the prophet says about it, we’ll see he clearly said that” I’LL NEVER HAVE TELEVISION IN MY HOUSE, GOD TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE IT, IF YOU WANT TO HAVE ONE THAT’S UP TO YOU”.

You better use your shotgun (Television)168

…A couple of Sunday’s ago I was invited, by my own daughter, to come in to a television set and to watch a religious singing. It’s at Sunday morning. I wanted to hear Oral Roberts on his program, I told them to let me know. Said, “You hear this, this is a great hymn sing.” My son standing there, told me about it, too. And I turned that set…
169 We rent from a woman that has the television in her house. I never intend to have one in my house. No, sir. I don’t want that thing in my house. I would blow it out with my shotgun. I don’t want nothing to do with that evil thing. No, sir! But took a…
170 Let me tell you about you Arizonians here. You seen that analysis the other day, of schools, didn’t you? Eighty percent of the children in Arizona schools are suffering with mental deficiency, sixty-seven percent of them was by looking at television. How about that?
171 You had better use your shotgun!…

William Marrion Branham65-0911 God’s Power To Transform

Now brethren let’s ask ourselves why would God tell his prophet something like that, and we see that in his entire life he had never had Television in his house. Now wasn’t there news to watch in that time? Yes there was, but why did God tell him not to have it?

All we have to know is that it’s God’s word and if we have really believed the message and we say we fully obey it, we must also obey what he says about Television, cause it’s what God told him to do, you see?

If you say you obey the message but you don’t obey that part, you get yourself TV to watch news, then you don’t obey it fully, meaning you’re a half believer while remember God doesn’t make half believers but total believers, people who fully obey his word, you see.

What Our Prophet Said

Brother Branham, I think television is a curse to the world. What do you think about it?

87  Well, ever who wrote it, I’m going to agree with you. They have made it a curse to the world. It could be a blessing to the world, but they’ve made it a curse. Anything like that, my dear people, is what you look at yourself. If the television is a curse, then the newspaper is a curse, then the radio is a curse, and many time the telephone is.

See, see, see, see? It’s what you make out of it. But being that the brother said the other night, that there are hardly any programs on the television anymore; that’s too much money. The poor preacher that preaches the Full Gospel can’t afford a program on the television. So, therefore… Brother said the other night, I believe, somewhere, said, “Dust off your radio,” or somebody, or, “Bring it back out of the corner and listen to the programs.” That’s right.

88  But, dear person, ever who you are, I certainly agree with you. It’s become one of the most damnable things to the human race. In there they take all this here money that should go to the government for taxes, and put it off in advertising on all this cigarette and whiskey programs and things like that, and write it off the government’s taxes; and then they come around and get preachers and pull them through the court to get a little money out of them. I agree with you, it’s an awful thing. Now, that’s not… You know, it’s just something you find. Thank you, sister, brother, ever who you was that asked that.

William Marrion Branham
59-1219 Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost

So brethren I believe with all my heart that if we’re believers of the Message that William Branham preached we must do what he did about Television, which is not have it our houses, cause God told him so, see?
And remember he says it’s full obedience which gives us right to have the token which is the holy spirit,

I know we all got weaknesses, we fight everyday to get to that full obedience and God looking at the desire down in our hearts which is to please him everyday of our lives, doesn’t impute certain sins to us because he knows that down in our souls we really love him and we want to please him but it happens to us to be trapped and fall but once we make a mistake,

we won’t take long to make it right if we really love him. Now there are things that we can already do or get rid of by ourselves without crying for God’s power, it’s like putting TV out of your house, you can do it, you don’t need God to come down for that, see.

And that’s why when he preached on the token, he said, when you apply it in your house, you must throw TV out, you see, it’s to tell us it’s included in full obedience, so if you obey everything but you don’t throw out TV, now you know where to place yourself, see.

So this is what I believe brethren, remember I don’t make it a law for everybody here yet remember the prophet says God told him not to have, but if you still want to have one that’s your business and just remember that it’s a part of the word you put aside which will have its aftermath in your house.

5 thoughts on “Bro Branham about Watching Television

  1. Well, brothers and sisters it’s true God told bro Branham not to have a TV in his home” I’LL NEVER HAVE TELEVISION IN MY HOUSE, GOD TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE IT, IF YOU WANT TO HAVE ONE THAT’S UP TO YOU”.

    GOD told “HIM”. not TELL the people not to HAVE IT, no but “HIM”
    If one eye led you to sin remove it. If my friend can’t resist the addiction
    Of sports that make him forsek church, that does not mean I also can’t RESIST see.

    If the television is a curse, then the newspaper is a curse, then the radio is a curse, and many time the telephone is.

    You can’t tell me that bro Branham never used a phone, read a news paper or listen to the radio, yet they all fall under one. Bro Branham once watched television and sayed all was genuine and ok what he watched.

    I have seen believers saying bad things about a TV yet they are on Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp etc..

    At that time of our bro Branham the TV reign than others, but my WEAKNESS is not your WEAKNESS, just as you are using the phone or computer reading this, to others they can’t use it the way you are using it they always find themselves using it wrongly. I DON’T REALLY KNOW WHY GOD TOLD BR BRANHAM
    NOT TO HAVE IT. But I hope you got
    Something out of my
    Little message. GOD bless you all🙌🙋😇☺

  2. Hello, just a little though here. God does not have double standard. If God told the prophet not to have it, then in there lays the will of God for all humanity on the subject. In other words, that is the “Thus saith the Lord” on the matter. God is no respecter of persons. What God tells ‘A’, He will tell ‘B’. Another point is, what is good for the prophet is also good for the children of the prophet. And all true Believers of the Message fall under this group.

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