10 William Branham quotes on Fasting

Fasting – Branham Quotes
I was planning on taking a fast to the Lord. I told Him I’d go out and fast. Said, “When you come to this feast…” Which, a fast in the body is a feast with the Lord. We know that”
61-1210 Paradox
Fasting and praying that God will give us victory… He will certainly do it. He will be obligated to do it, if we’ll just ask Him and believe that He will”
54-0302 Resurrection Of Jairus’ Daughter
We find out that each one has a little experience that we have to refer to or claim on this experience that we are saved. But we are not saved by experiences, nor by fasting, nor by prayer. There is one way we are saved; that’s faith through the Word”
57-0307 God Keeps His Word #2
So I appreciate you sisters, and I appreciate you, not only them, but others who’ve been fasting and praying too, and backing me up with your wonderful faith in Jesus Christ”
54-0307E Do You Now Believe
As I’ve said, faith doesn’t come by fasting. Faith doesn’t come by praying, reading a book. All of that’s good: fasting, praying, and reading–reading a book”
55-0113 The Fundamental Foundation For faith
I’d been fasting for something special to happen, something that would win the hearts of people. You know, sometimes when we are praying for others, we are the one that gets the help many times, when you’re praying for others”
61-0125 Why
Now, the reason I was gone at this time, I’d had a week of fasting and prayer, which had led me to have a decision”
61-1210 Paradox
And if you fast, you ain’t going to get hungry and go all these things. After your fasting, brother, you’ll be joy and happy all the time”
55-0724 Enticing Spirits
Many times in these meetings, I don’t eat much, sometimes fast for several days. I’d been fasting then three or four days. I do that because the Bible said, these come out only by fast and prayer”
56-0121 The Inter Veil
They lie to one another, and deceive one another at peace talks of the world. But when God calls a conference, it’s fasting, cleaning up, prayer, receiving orders, and going forward. That’s God’s conference, not feasting, but fasting, not indulging in filth, but separating, cleansing yourself from all unrighteousness when you go before God”
59-1220(M) Conference With God
You keep fasting, keep praying; getting the kids together, get rid of all the sin around your home, as Jacob said, “Take off your earrings and wash your garments.” Get ready. Oh, I hear the sound of abundance of rain. May the Lord bless you now”
53-0327 Israel At The Red Sea #2
I believe in fasting. Certainly. But when you fast, you don’t hunger. Jesus after He had got through fasting, the Bible said, He was hungry. God puts a fast on you. You don’t put it on yourself”
56-0121 The Inter Veil
And neither can salvation be based upon fasting, prayer, experiences, sensations, or sincerity”
57-0307 God Keeps His Word #2
I trust that every person here will take it upon themselves to be under prayer all the time. In your homes be fasting and praying. Come with great expectation. For if you don’t expect anything, you won’t receive anything. You’ll just receive as you expect”
54-0328 Sirs We Would See Jesus
And usually I stay home, don’t eat, come into the meetings, fasting, praying, just lead me right to the platform and start right off from there, praying for the sick. ‘Course, it makes a better meeting; I know that. Because you’re already under anointing”
53-0608E At Thy Word
Every Word of God is the truth. And then, coming in a service like this, you don’t have to come under that anointing for healing. You don’t have to be under prayer or fasting. I just come right in and go to reading the Word and whatmore. You see? It’s a different feeling when you’re preaching the Gospel, than when it is when you’re under that anointing for that Angel of God”
50-0115 Believest Thou This
Usually before I start in the prayer lines, I take three days of fasting and praying, as many people know that how I try to be–have the… How many’s here that’s been in one of the services before? Let’s see your hand. Well, that’s just wonderful”
50-0711 Ministry Explained
I was sent to pray for the sick. I spend my time in prayer all through the day. I must do it in order to meet the obligation of the night. And sickly takes the life from you, fasting and praying”
50-0714 At Thy Word
Now, when the anointing for healing is on, I just keep praying, fasting. And it gets to a place you feel a real sacred calm feeling, not like rejoicing; you just feel a real sacred feeling. But when you’re speaking of the Holy Spirit, then it comes with joy, and happiness, and gladness, and the refreshening from the Presence of the Lord”
50-0716 Believest Thou This
I got up, had just a little bite of breakfast, and I won’t eat any more, probably, till after the services, and so forth. I have to keep empty. If you’re–if you keep stomach empty, the blood is at your brain, and you must be ready. And if you’re all full when you’re… That’s the power of fasting. When you’re–when you’re full, the blood goes into your stomach to digest your food. You see? And then when you’re empty, it’s in your–in your brain”
50-0813A The Resurrection Of Lazarus
It takes a real sheep raiser to know the difference between the bleat of a goat and a lamb; they’re so close together. You see? And so therefore, on this platform, you must be very careful. Can be just one thing is all that Satan wants to–wants to throw out before the public. So therefore, I have to be fasting, prayerful, every minute on the guard, watching for something”
50-0813A The Resurrection Of Lazarus
Of course, I tire, and tire more. It is a truth that I believe, as a physical man tears down, the spiritual man has a chance. That’s what fasting and things are for. He can have a chance to work upon these five senses of ours, to bring us to believe and have faith in Him”
50-0815 Attitude And Who Is God
Now, we’re going to read some of the Word, and then just a comment or two on It. And then we’re going to–to start the prayer line, because I have… This has been a fast day, fasting and praying that God would grant His blessings upon you people tonight”
51-0413 The Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me
I pray; I fast. I just come out of a meeting: I’ve been gone now for two days; I’ve been home, been back to the house a couple times. Go off to myself and pray, not eating, fasting, waiting. And there’s something comes down, takes over my life, my body, and I’m not myself. No more… “
51-0923 The Principles Of Divine Healing
Then I remember, I’d been fasting; it was just like tonight. Fridays is a fast day, has been for me for a long time”
51-0928 At Thy Word Lord
And usually in the healing services I’m always fasting and praying, but I been feasting and talking the last few days. We certainly had a wonderful time, and I seen this little village of New York”
51-1003 Believest Thou This
I had been fasting and praying and wouldn’t go out to eat”
52-0715 Faith In The Son Of God
It’s always in the meetings that I’m out praying, getting ready, seeking God, and praying and fasting before the meeting. That’s usually the procedure. I never get into the meetings until the time to come out in–under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and go right into praying for the sick”
52-0810E Jesus Christ The Same
When we see every sign moving, pointing towards the coming of the Lord, it ought to make every minister start fasting and praying and saying, “God what must I do next? For we are near the end time.” It’s time that we got down and realized we mustn’t just lust along and loaf along as if we were the carefree, come-easy, go-easy. We should be a wide awake”
57-0322 Hear Ye Him
Some quotes from William Branham’s messages on Fasting and Prayer
Read and know some of the reasons why you cannot do without fasting and prayer as a Christian.
Usually before I start in the prayer lines, I take three days of fasting and praying, as many people know that how I—I try to be, have the…
50-0711 – “Ministry Explained”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
13 And so therefore, friends, as a—as your brother, that’s all I am. But God’s gift is the Spirit of God that came down in the form of an Angel. Now, He didn’t have wings. He looked like a man. I heard Him when He walked [Brother Branham illustrates—Ed.], just as that, and walked on the floor. Walked right over, just as normal as any man, and talks just like any man. He comes, time after time, through the room and different places when I’m fasting and praying.
50-0713 – “Obey The Voice Of The Angel”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
She come over there and said, “Brother Branham,” said, “I followed meeting after meeting trying to get my brother in the line. I couldn’t do it.” Said, “His heart’s got so bad now it’s pushed through the diaphragm.” Said, “We was examined a few days ago before coming, doctor said he just has a little while to live. We sold our cow to get the money to come up here from Texas.” Said, “I’ve been to several meetings; we sold all we got.” Said, “I seen I couldn’t get it, there’s too many there. I’ve had a card several times, but the number’s never been called.” She said, “But I was praying last night all night and fasting,” (she said), “and about daylight this morning I woke up, and I had a dream. And I dreamed that I should come down here to the cafeteria and wait at nine o’clock.”
I looked at my watch, and it just exactly nine. Said, “Bring him here.”
You know what happened, don’t you? The Lord marvelously healed him. Leading of the Spirit. He works on both ends.
50-0715 – “Led By The Spirit”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Now, when the anointing for healing is on, I just keep praying, fasting. And it gets to a place you feel a real sacred calm feeling, not like rejoicing; you just feel a real sacred feeling. But when you’re speaking of the Holy Spirit, then it comes with joy, and happiness, and gladness, and the refreshening from the Presence of the Lord. And I’m very happy to—to have that this afternoon.
50-0716 – “Believest Thou This?”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
4 If your—if you keep your stomach empty, the blood is at your brain, and you must be ready. And if you’re all full when you’re… That’s the power of fasting. When you’re—when you’re full, the blood goes into your stomach to digest your food. You see? And then when you’re empty, it’s in your—in your brain. So you can be just… ’Cause them two spirits is so close it could deceive the very elect, if possible.
50-0813a – “The Resurrection Of Lazarus”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
8 Now, we’re going to read some of the Word, and then just a comment or two on It. And then we’re going to—to start the prayer line, because I have… This has been a fast day, fasting and praying that God would grant His blessings upon you people tonight.
51-0413 – “The Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Each one of you has helped support this meeting with your finance. You have support it with prayer. And tonight, if schedule worked out regularly… Two little women that’s been hid away in these eight days in the meeting, has been fasting and praying for this meeting. That’s one of the reasons that it was a success. That’s right. And may… I trust that they’re here tonight. That was told to me by pretty good authority, which I believe is authentic. So I appreciate you sisters, and I appreciate you, not only them, but others who’ve been fasting and praying too, and backing me up with your wonderful faith in Jesus Christ.
54-0307e – “Do You Now Believe?”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
And so now tonight as we are gathered here to start this prayer meeting: praying for the sick, believing God for the supernatural; I trust that every person here will take it upon themselves to be under prayer all the time. In your homes be fasting and praying. Come with great expectation. For if you don’t expect anything, you won’t receive anything. You’ll just receive as you expect.
54-0328 – “Sirs, We Would See Jesus”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Jesus speaking of John, said, “You all went out to see John.” Said, “You had a great time when John was here.” Said, “For a season you liked to walk in his light. And John came, neither eating or drinking, fasting, had a great meeting till all of Jerusalem and Judaea was moved. And John bear record of Jesus. And then when Jesus come, confirming John’s ministry with signs and wonders, they didn’t receive Him.” May the Lord bless now. And may you keep in the sweet spirit of prayer, until the services is ended.
54-0411 – “Thy Faith Has Saved Thee”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
75 Well, he come over here and was with one of Billy Graham’s groups up here praying for a meeting. And a group of them was sitting up here in California somewhere, a few weeks ago, in real deep sincere prayer, consecrated to God, fasting, and the Holy Ghost fell on the whole bunch and begin to speak in other tongues. And…Uh-huh.
65-0427 – “Does God Change His Mind?”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Maximum of how many days should we fast and pray?
This is upto you. However Try to fast one daily in week
Need some directions on how to fast. Am new in fasting I don’t have any experience yet on fasting. Can you give me some directions ? The timing and is there any particular activities we can do or just praying ?
Be in Prayers from 9:00 Am to 6:00 Pm daily
after regular interval pray for atleast 2 hours
God bless you
Thank you brother,
Can you quote me some bible verses for me to read through while on prayers through the day ? Please
So that means after the periode of fasting, we can eat something in the evenjng ?
Thanks … God bless you
It depends on what you want to achieve with your fast…
If you are fasting to get a deeper knowledge of GOD, then you can focus on the words of Christ in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), you can also focus on some of Apostle Paul’s epistles, for instance, Ephesians and Colossians.
Yes, after the period of fasting, you can eat.
GOD bless you
These quotes has rekindle my spirit for prayer and fasting, it has re-energised my zeal for God’s word and the voice of the the 7 angel. GOD richly bless you for using this platform to motivate all message belivers across the globe. I salute yo, shalom. Paul from Ghana
What should take while fasting?