Hattie Waldrop Raised from the Dead

“Turn around. Sister Waldrop, would you stand up? There’s a lady that died in my prayer line with heart, colon and liver, about eight months ago, or two years. Is that right, Sister Waldrop? I told you’d have a sick spell. And you had it, didn’t you, sister? So you see, there she was.” “Experiences” (47-1207).
“Here was Miss Hattie Waldorf from Phoenix, Arizona, died in the prayer line. She told the intern and them, when they was bringing her through, said, “Take me through, anyhow.” And when she got up there, been dead…. Here’s her address, name, number, everything. She’s living today. Had cancer of the heart, colon, and liver.”
“At Thy Word, Lord, I’ll Let Down The Net” (54-1207).
Would you happen to know Hattie Waldrop, in Phoenix? Died in the prayer line with cancer of the heart, seven years ago. She’s living in Phoenix today, normal and well.
She was dead in the prayer line for hours, before they got her in. A cancer that had went through her heart, colon and liver. Her doctor… I believe her address is in that book the girls got.” “Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever” (53-1107).
“And I was with a lady the other day at Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop at her…. She had died with cancer of the heart and the liver. And he…. And her doctor was there and said, “Just want to shake your hand.” And he had….
She was dead—been laying dead in the prayer line, covered up. And she…. That was three years ago or more; she’s just as well and normal as she can be.” “Exhortation of Divine Healing” (51-0501).
“Sister Waldrop, God bless you. Here’s a lady, certainly knows what healing was. She was brought back to life fifteen years ago in the prayer line, [Sister Waldrop says, “Yes, it was seventeen years.”—Ed.] seventeen years ago, died with cancer in her heart. The doctor has a record of it here. Mrs. Waldrop. How many knows that to be so, in Phoenix, raise your hands?” “God’s Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief” (64-0121).
“One of them testified over this pulpit when I was first here, second time here, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop. You remember? Phoenix, Arizona. Died with cancer of the heart and colon. The next was a lady, or a man, rather, in my city by the name of Lij Perry, killed in an accident, taken laid out by the doctor, died.
Hattie was raised up from the dead, living today, worked on the Pennsylvania Railroad. And the next was this baby over here.
. . .
But anyhow, I know those three doctors statements that they were dead.” “Testimony”(53-0510).
“One of them testified over this pulpit when I was first here, second time here, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop. You remember? Phoenix, Arizona. Died with cancer of the heart and colon. The next was a lady, or a man, rather, in my city by the name of Lij Perry, killed in an accident, taken laid out by the doctor, died.
Hattie was raised up from the dead, living today, worked on the Pennsylvania Railroad.”“Testimony” (53-0510).
“Sister Waldrop, God bless you. Here’s a lady, certainly knows what healing was. She was brought back to life fifteen years ago in the prayer line, [Sister Waldrop says, “Yes, it was seventeen years.”—Ed.] seventeen years ago, died with cancer in her heart. The doctor has a record of it here. Mrs. Waldrop. How many knows that to be so, in Phoenix, raise your hands?” “God’s Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief” (64-0121).
Now, in Phoenix, that was during the time that Mrs. Waldroff here had died in a prayer line, with cancer in her heart, and was healed. She usually comes to the meetings. She is probably here now. And then…Mrs. Hattie Waldroff. Then we find out that her doctor had the testimony of it, give the—the photographs, or not the…What you call it, x-rays? X-rays of it, where the—the woman was had the cancer. And she is living today. And that was sixteen years ago. Now I’m quite sure that mister…Yes, there is Mrs. Waldroff, right there now. That’s right. [Someone says, “That’s been seventeen years, this March.”—Ed.] That’s seventeen years, this March. There is a lady that was dead, and come to life again, with cancer in her heart. Because, it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now notice them times.” “His Unfailing Words Of Promise” (64-0120).
“Sister Waldrop, God bless you. Here’s a lady, certainly knows what healing was. She was brought back to life fifteen years ago in the prayer line, [Sister Waldrop says, “Yes, it was seventeen years.”—Ed.] seventeen years ago, died with cancer in her heart. The doctor has a record of it here. Mrs. Waldrop. How many knows that to be so, in Phoenix, raise your hands?” “God’s Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief” (64-0121).
“When sister, old Hattie Waldrop of Phoenix, Arizona, she was coming up the sidewalk, in my first meeting. The intern and her husband was bringing her; cancer of the heart. She had made her stand, in trying to get there to the meeting, but she was so bad she was…couldn’t breathe no more, the blood was dropping back through her heart where the cancer had eat into her heart. Now, cancer of the heart! That’s about eighteen, nineteen years ago, maybe twenty, 1947 is when it was.” “Desperations” (63-0901E).
When sister, old Hattie Waldrop of Phoenix, Arizona, she was coming up the sidewalk, in my first meeting. The intern and her husband was bringing her; cancer of the heart. She had made her stand, in trying to get there to the meeting, but she was so bad she was…couldn’t breathe no more, the blood was dropping back through her heart where the cancer had eat into her heart. Now, cancer of the heart! That’s about eighteen, nineteen years ago, maybe twenty, 1947 is when it was.
Now, she said to her husband and the intern, “If though I die in this line, take me up there.” Desperation. She lost conscious. I don’t think she was dead; she claimed she was. Now, she might have been. She may hear this tape, you see. Now I—I—I…She, she claimed she was dead; I don’t know. They told me, “There’s a dead woman coming up the line.” And when the woman come by, she was lifeless. And when they brought her up there, the Word of the Lord came; and I went and laid hands upon her, and she rose up and went home, walking. This has been about, I’d say, safely, eighteen years ago, and she’s just as healthy and hearty…She’ll be at Tucson to meet me when I get down there.”“Desperations” (63-0901E).
Amen! thats true i believe it