No. Conscience, love, reason… There is five inlets to the spirit. You can’t think with your body; you have to think with your spirit. You can’t have conscience in your body. It has no mental faculties at all; your body doesn’t, so you have to think with your spirit. You have to reason. You can’t reason with your physical being, ’cause reason doesn’t see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. Reason is what you can make in your mind. If you’re asleep or you’re out, your body is lying there dead, but your spirit can still reason. There is five senses that controls that inside man“
65-0815 And Knoweth It Not
Because, we go beyond reasoning. “Lean not to your own understanding.” Faith doesn’t reason at all. Faith believes It”
65-0815 And Knoweth It Not
On the inside of that man is a man called spirit, and he has five senses: think, thought… and thought, and love, and conscience, and so forth. All right. Now, you can’t think with your body. You think with your mind. And in there is where too many, of Christians, only stop”
Horizontal Ads65-0822m Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
There’s no reasoning to God’s Word; just say it just the way He said it. And if I die, I’m coming to Him believing His Word”
54-0221 At Thy Word Lord
You’re just a little teeny germ. Before it was a germ… What’s after that germ? Is a life. Then you’re in the supernatural; you’re in the sixth dimension. You’re plumb out of human reasoning. You’re into spirit life. Every little germ has a life; that life come from somewhere. The life of the cancer come from the devil. Your life come from God; that’s the difference”
54-1203 The Law Having A Shadow
Now, if we can find our position and know that it’s God’s Word that has promised it… That’s the reason Joshua and Caleb had no fear that they could not take the–the promised land. Because all the rest of the nine came back, or the ten, and said, “We can’t do it. Why, those cities walled high, and we look like grasshoppers up side the people. They’re so big and they’re armed,” and said, “We just can’t do it.” See, they were looking at the sense of reasoning. You can’t look at the sense of reasoning; you’ve got to look at the promise of God.“
55-0116a The Believer’s Position In Christ
The reason people doesn’t get healed, is because they only have an intellectual view of it, what their mind conceives. But the mind will reason. The mind will say, “It cannot be. I am no better.” My sense of sight says that, “My arm is no straighter than it was yesterday.” My sense of feeling says, “I don’t feel any different than I did yesterday.” Reasoning, mental theology will reason out, say, “Well, now wait a minute, I believe that’s foolishness.” See, you’re reasoning. That intellectual faith will do that. But when once that faith comes down into that compartment down here, it’ll never question this up here, at all. It’s absolutely a fact, and it’ll agree with every Divine Word of God. There’s the reason people doesn’t get where they should be. It becomes a mental conception of God. But when that mental conception, you believe Him by an intellectual faith, but that won’t do it. It’s got to be a borned again experience, where your faith is brought down into this compartment here. And no matter what it looks like, faith says it’s so anyhow. See?”
55-0403 Fellowship By Redemption
Now, if you’ve just got–if you’ve got good reasoning, you’ll set down and try to reason out the Bible, reason, “How could He raise from the dead? How could these miracles and things take place today in this great realm of civilization science that we live in?” You try to reason that out, you’re just getting farther away from God all the time. You’ll never know Him by reasoning. God’s not known by reason. God’s known by faith. You accept it. You believe it. You can’t do it until something happens in you, then the Holy Spirit comes in and you have the mind of Christ”
55-0410m Proof Of His Resurrection
Now, in order to have faith, faith has to have a basis. You just can’t let faith be loose and wild. Faith has to rest itself, not upon the shifting sands of man’s reasoning. Faith is based on the solid Rock of God’s Word. Faith rests right on God’s Word. If the Lord has said so, then that settles it. It doesn’t shift about. Men how sometimes they can explain anything so real and paint the picture so real, but yet faith will never look at that if God’s Word is contrary to it. It’ll track straight to God’s Word. And when He said, “I’m the Lord that healeth thee,” you believe that for God said so. And we believe it because God said so”
55-0604 Jairus A Secret Believer
Horizontal AdsNow, in the days of Moses, when God sent Moses down to deliver the children of Israel, before He could deliver the children of Israel… First Pharaoh, there arose up a pharaoh who did not know Joseph, and he was a smart pharaoh, perhaps trained in all the theology of Egypt–smart, shrewd–but he didn’t have… He had a good reasoning, but he didn’t have the Word of God.
Now, he reasoned out scientifically and said, “Looky here. They’re all multiplying. They’re more of a thrifty people than we are; they can live on a smaller income, and they’re–they’re generating and multiplying. So the thing we must do is stop this right away, kill all the infant babies, males, so that there’ll be no more… They won’t grow so fast”
55-0604 Jairus A Secret Believer
They said they might come a war and if a war would fall out, he said, “Then they might join themselves with our enemies and fight against us. They’d be greater than we are and powerfuler than we are.” Now, his reasonings was correct, scientifically correct, but where Pharaoh made his mistake was not looking into the Word of God that knowed that great promise that God was going to bless them and bring them out anyhow.
55-0604 Jairus A Secret Believer
They said they might come a war and if a war would fall out, he said, “Then they might join themselves with our enemies and fight against us. They’d be greater than we are and powerfuler than we are.” Now, his reasonings was correct, scientifically correct, but where Pharaoh made his mistake was not looking into the Word of God that knowed that great promise that God was going to bless them and bring them out anyhow”
55-0604 Jairus A Secret Believer
No matter what science says, what reasoning says, if it’s not based on the Word of God, I’m sure sorry for the person that listens to it. So therefore, faith can’t rest on reasoning. It rests on God’s Word, what the Lord has said”
55-0604 Jairus A Secret Believer
If you can reason it out, your mind will tell you, “Now, looky here, the doctor says I can’t get over that. It’s impossible.” Now, the doctor, with his intellects, with His intelligence, with His knowledge of medical science, he’s told you the best of the travel of his mind. And you taking your mind, and using the same thing the doctor has told you, you… God can never touch that line, as long as you reason. But let’s put down reasoning. God never made us to live by our intellect“
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
We live by the Holy Spirit that’s in our soul, that says “no” to any reasonings that’s contrary to God’s Word“
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
When God’s Word says it’s so, there’s nothing in the world stands in Its way. Then when you do that, you’re getting down on the right side of God. You’re getting down, till you can ask what you want to, and it’ll be given to you, ’cause there’s nothing between there. There’s no reason. Let’s cast away those reasonings. They stand in your way. Get your mind out of the way“
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
Don’t you say what you reason, what you see, what you think; say what God says to be the Truth. And that can only come from the inside, from the heart, not from the intellects”
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
Now, in the soul where the man lives, you are what you are in your soul, not in your mind, not in your reasoning. Not because you say, “I will have a better standing. I can associate with better company if I become a Christian.” That’s reasoning. See? You mustn’t do that. Don’t do that. Let it become from a new experience, a new Birth, something that’s happened, not in the mind, but in the soul, that’s taken all reasonings away, and you become a new creature. And you’re in Christ Jesus”
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
With our heads bowed, I wonder if there’s a person in here now, would reverently raise your hand, and say, “I do this, not to the preacher, but to God. God, change my way of thinking. I’ve tried to reason how these things would be. I tried to reason what my neighbors would say if I was ever borned again, if God ever blessed me in such a way that I would shout, if God ever blessed me in such a way that I would have an experience that would make me weep, and I’d have to leave my associates. I’ve tried to reason it all out, God. But today, I won’t reason any more. I’m right now raising my hand to You, God, and saying this is my testimony. If You’ll take reasonings out of me, and let my soul take its place to believe Your Word without reasoning, I will believe it’s a certain sound given to me.”? Will you raise your hand? Anybody in the building, wherever you are. God bless you, you, you, and you, and you, and you. About eighty-five percent of the building”
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
A reasoning? Cast down reasonings. Cast them down. God don’t want you to have reason. Reason always tries to find a way out. Faith don’t reason. Faith just believes. Your mind, what makes you reason. It’s a liar. The lie detector proves that. God’s Bible, first, proves it. But your soul is immortal, brother, sister. Your reasoning power will leave you when death strikes you, but your soul will be with you through eternity“
55-0731 The Uncertain Sound
Many people have faith by their intellects; others have faith by their soul. Now, the intellect up here, will reason with the Word of God, “It’s not reasonable.” But the soul doesn’t reason at all, it says, “It’s the truth.” And that settles it. It’s… See, the soul believes it. The intellect will say, “I–I wonder, it might’ve been for a day gone by. I… That might’ve been for the disciples, or–or that might been something… Not for us now because we’re living in a different day.” But the soul says, “Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” No reasoning, doesn’t reason at all. It believes.
Now, the big percent of us, friends, will go to reasoning instead of the soul, and that’s the reason we fail to receive wonderful blessings from God. Now, this is just not a mythical something. It’s not some kind of a magic wand. It’s the truth of a living God”
55-0806 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever
Now, here’s what happens. When a man starts out, he will go to reason. He will go to the schools of theology. And he will go from church to church and wonder if this one’s got the truth, or if that one’s got the truth. Or he will take his membership from one church to another. You should never do that. You should put your membership in heaven on the Book of Life. And there it’ll be forever.
Now, all churches, Christian churches, has good meanings, every one of them, and I believe every one of them has truth. And now, I don’t mean to try to say now they don’t have all the truth. Sure, I believe… If they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that’s the truth. Amen”
55-0806 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever
Now, but what a man will do, he will hear a little something and keep moving his–his papers. Well now, you’ll never find Christ moving your papers. You have to move your thoughts. You have to move your thinking, and get away from reason and move your thoughts from your own way of thinking to what God thinks. “Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in you.” And then when you begin to think His thoughts, you’ll begin to live His life and do the things that He did. See what I mean? Now, because it’s not you; it’s Christ”
55-0806 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever
Don’t reason, just believe. Believe God’s Word; don’t try to reason it out. Just what God said is the truth. And believe that to be the truth. And don’t go to your reasonings; go to your experience, to Christ in the heart and compare it with God’s Word.“
55-1001 Expectation
When you die, your brain breaks up, of course, when the spirit leaves you, and then what’s left? Here’s your soul that you’ve neglected back here, which comes to you then, when you’re dying. And this mental reasoning breaks up; you don’t reason no more. It’s your soul that’s been in your heart, that you’ve grieved away; then it caught up with her. And when she did, she screamed, “My God, I’m lost.” Too late then; the soul that had been grieved away…”
55-1001 Expectation
You mind God. Be borned of the Spirit of God, and quit reasoning things, and just believe what God said to be the truth. Be filled with God’s Spirit, and then God will lead you, and the Holy Spirit will lead you in the paths of righteousness. And you see yourself conducting yourself unlike a Christian; you know that that’s wrong; then go back and check up with God, with His Word here and with His Book; and get right with God”
55-1001 Expectation
Now, you can’t live and–and twice; you have to die once in order to be borned again. So when you die out to yourself and are borned anew of the Holy Spirit, there’s no more reasoning the Word of God. You don’t… You just take It for what It says, and that settles it. That… God said It, and that proves It”
55-1005 The Power Of The Devil
Is our little weakness of our own human intellectual, what we call intellectual faith… We read a little something, “Yeah, that’s right; I believe that’s right.” That’s intellectual. Brother, something’s got to happen down here to make you really believe It. You intellectual faith will reason, and say, “Now, let’s see. But my case is so hard there’s no need to be trying to do it. My case is too hard.” That’s your reasoning. What’s too hard for God?
A long time ago, when I got saved, about twenty-three years ago, I made up in my mind right like this; I wasn’t going to worry about anything God said, because God’s able to keep His own Word, and anything that’s… Any job that’s too big for God to do, what’s the use in me worrying about it? Amen”
55-1005 The Power Of The Devil
And a man never knows what it is to live a victorious life, until he’s completely overcome. Who? Himself? That’s the biggest enemy you got is yourself. That’s the reason you can’t rise up in faith, because you got intellectuals there. You’re intellectual part says, “Well, this, or that.” It’s a reasoning. We want to cast down reasonings, the Bible tells us.“
55-1005 The Power Of The Devil
It was reasoning. Your mind will reason, but your heart don’t reason. Your heart believes what God said’s the truth. Your mind said, “Well now, if the other girls can do, or the other boys can do it, and they go to church, ain’t I as good as they are? Can’t I do the same things they do?”
56-0121 The Inter Veil
But we got to cast down reasons, till it’s contrary–if it’s contrary to God’s Word”
56-0121 The Inter Veil
Today the reason we’re having such times as we are, is because there’s too much halfway conversions, intellectual conversion. There is two–two different elements in the human body that has a mind, and one of them–or reasoning. One of them the reasoning is of the mind, which is intellectual. The other one is the soul, which does not reason but believes the Word of God“
56-0128 Inspiration
Now, each one of you’ve had experiences to think that when… Well, somebody say, “It can’t happen. It–it won’t be.” But something right down in your soul that tells you it’s going to be. And don’t makes any difference what anybody says or how unreasonable it seems to be, you seem to know that it’s going to be that way. It’s because your soul has testified and reasonings has been cast down as the Bible said they should be: casting down reasoning.“
56-0128 Inspiration
Now, the mind will reason things. In revivals of healing campaigns you see people get that in their minds. They’ll say, “Now, looky here, this is all unreasonable.” Here sets a lady in a wheelchair. I don’t know her, never seen her. But maybe she might be paralyzed. See, I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Whatever it is, maybe say she was paralyzed, maybe been setting there for years. But say, the reasonings… The doctors says there’s a calcium deposit over the bone; you can’t move no more. Maybe the spines broke; maybe there’s something wrong in that manner. Maybe there’s a blind man setting here with his eyes blinded over. And you’d say, “Well, now…” Reason… “Now, the doctors… I’ve been to the best, and they tell me I’ll never be any different.” Well now, mental reasonings would say, “That’s right.” But now, as long as you dwell in that mental reasonings, you’ll never be no different“
56-0128 Inspiration
Now, the Bible said we’ve got to cast down reasoning. Then when your soul says that “Jesus is my Healer and I now believe it and accept it,” then reasonings move out. And your soul comes in first place, and whatever God says, it won’t reason at all, it’ll take it–God at His Word. That’s what brings the results. Such a simple thing…
It’s not nothing that–something that someone would go to someone and say, “Now, I have power to heal you. I have power to do this, or…” That isn’t it. It’s simply taking God at His Word. And your soul will always agree with God’s Word, but your reasonings will–will different with it“
56-0128 Inspiration
That little girl the other day that was converted, she said, “I can’t live it, Brother Branham.” That was reasoning, but when it struck her soul, something begin–become a reality then. It’s not reasoning any more; it’s taking God at His Word. Amen. Notice, when you get reasonings cast away, the soul will answer clear“
56-0128 Inspiration
So remember, don’t go by reasoning. You be sure that you’re right. And there’s a way of doing that, and that’s accepting Jesus Christ and being borned again of the Spirit of God, when your entire soul testifies the Word of God is right. And stay with it and believe every Word, ’cause your spirit bears record with His Spirit then. And the thing… If… Here it is, get it. “If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God’s not even in you,” says the Bible. And now, that’s not talking about Lutheran or Plymouth Brethren. I’m speaking about holiness people, Pentecostals and the rest. That’s right”
56-0128 Inspiration
And a very prominent thing, people know it when you’re anointed with the Holy Spirit. They might in their heart, or in their–in reasoning, say, “Oh, there, that guy is crazy. Oh, I–I…” But down in their heart they admire you (That’s right.), down in their heart. They might fuss with you, ’cause they’re trying to agree with their reasonings; but down in their hearts they admire, unless their soul’s so seared till they have nothing but reasonings. For if you’re a real Christian, living a true life, and living the Word and God’s with you, everybody will admire it, if his soul’s still in touch with God. Amen. That’s the reason I think fussing about denominations is uncalled for. Sure it is”
56-0128 Inspiration
And my sinner friend here tonight, if that experience isn’t yours, God waits for you. Open up your heart, let Him come. Don’t take reasoning. Don’t say, “Well, I’ve been a pretty good man.” That’s all right. It’s a good thing to be a good man, but are you borned again? Have you made a preparation that when He comes by, He will resurrect your dead too, bring you to life again. I hope you have. If you haven’t may you be ready to do it now while we bow our heads. And if the organist will come, while we have our heads bowed just a moment in prayer…”
56-0128 Inspiration
When your reasonings is breaking away, what about your soul?“
56-0128 Inspiration
The mental faculties is operated by blood and nerves, which is in the brain, that will perish at your death. Your mental faculties and your reasonings will pass away, ’cause reasonings could not come in the Presence of God. It’d reason with God. It’s the soul that lives”
56-0128 Inspiration
It’s the atmosphere that brings the miraculous, and wonders, and powers of God among the people. It’s the atmosphere of the people. And when people get to a place they’re reasoning, and wondering, and stewing, and thinking, and all tore up, and don’t know where they do stand, half of them not even Scripturally taught, how can you expect the atmosphere to be right? You can’t do it; it won’t be right. It’s got to be in one accord, one place, and settled down with one motive, one thing, then you’re going to see something happen”
56-0129 The Supernatural
Now, there’s such a thing as… In the heart the soul lives in the heart, and you believe from your heart. People don’t get religion in their head by a book knowledge; you get religion in the heart by an experience in the heart. And the heart will always agree with the Bible, but the head will reason. And the Bible said we got to cast down reasoning. You can’t go with your mind; that’s… The devil work in that; you got to go with your heart”
56-0213 Hidden Life With Christ
Reasoning. It’ll get you in bad every time. No matter what your intellectual knowledge tells you, don’t you believe it if it’s contrary to the Word of God. Take THUS SAITH THE LORD first. Stay right with that, no matter–and your soul will always agree with that Word. That’s right”
56-0213 Hidden Life With Christ
Now, unbelief can do nothing for you but damn you. That’s all it can do is destroy you. And faith is the only thing that can help you. See? So faith… Unbelief if there’s no value in unbelief at all… And unbelief accompanies fear (See?); unbelief accompanies fear. When you go to reasoning and wondering (See?), then you began to fear“
56-0223 God’s Covenant With Abraham And His Seed
When all reasoning had gone… We cast down reasoning. It ain’t what you can think in your mind, your intellect; it’s what your soul tells you, what your heart tells you”
56-1002e Elisha The Prophet
Now, today the reason so many ups-and-downs and things are enter the religious people, because there’s an intellectual conception of Christ. In other words, it’s in their mind and not in their heart. See it? They just mentally believe it. And your mental will reason, “Could it be so? Could Divine healing be so? Could the baptism of the Spirit be so?” Now, that’s intellectual reasonings. But when that comes into the heart, it’s a faith. It’s a positive. There’s no question at all about it. It’s all settled forever. It’s in your heart. And your heart doesn’t reason, because it’s the throne, the dwelling place of the Almighty in the heart”
57-0114 The Infallible Proof Of The Resurrection
A man thinks with his head, but believes with his heart. That’s right. The intellectual will reason. Oh, I’m too bad. I can’t do this. This… Oh, if I could go over there, I will be… oh…” See, that’s reasoning, but the heart doesn’t reason. It just accepts the Word the way It is, and believes It. The Bible said we should cast down reasoning. That’s right. We’re to believe, not reason. Just believe it”
57-0303a Why Is It That So Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life
If the doctor said so-and-so… Now, if you try to bluff that, it won’t work. If you try to reason it in your mind saying, “Yes, God’s Word’s right. I believe that. I believe it will come to pass. I think that.” Now, if that’s intellectually, you just might as well stop thinking it. Until something comes down on the inside of you to just says it’s so, and that’s all there is to it… There is not enough demons out of torment could ever shake it from you. It’s something on the inside called the heart. There’s where real faith finds its resting place. Intellectuals will try to reason about it. “Now, let’s us be reasonable.” But faith has no reasoning. It just has one thing, and that’s, “God’s Word is right.” Oh, there’s where the soul sets its feet and rest eternally right there, for God said so. Not a bluff, but knowing it…”
57-0623 Believe From The Heart
I think there’s where Jesus said, “If thou believeth in thy heart, and shall say to this tree, or to this mountain, and then don’t doubt, but believe that what you say will come to pass, you’ll have what you say.” There’s my point. Get to that spot to where something is not yourself. It’s something beyond your reasoning that speaks it.“
57-0623 Believe From The Heart
If the people can just get this in their heart: that it isn’t anything that any man can do, it’s accepting what God has already done. See? And then, when you–you, int-… you–you receive it intellectually, that’s all right, but it’ll never work here. Your reasoning powers is in your intellectuals. But when it leaves your intellectuals and settles in your heart, it’s a finished product. There’s no reasoning there. We must cast down reasoning. If you reason, “Well, my case is worse. And maybe it didn’t…” Then, it–it hasn’t settled yet. But when it comes right down into the heart, there’s nothing in the world can ever move it anymore; it’s settled forever. So therefore, healing, that way, is perfect, if we can believe it, that it is a finished work that Christ purchased for us, at Calvary”
57-0725 Hear Ye Him
God’s Word is right. Man has the thinking in his heart. And as he thinks with his mind, he reasons. And the Bible said, “We must cast down reasoning.” So if you’re believing Christ in the reason realm, how can you ever take His Word when you got to cast that aside, and let that Word that you have caught with your mind, come down into your heart to a living faith. There’s the faith”
57-0804a The Great Commission
So we have to cast away reasonings. Then if we believe God, we must be borned again, and when a man’s borned again, his nature becomes of his Parent. God has no reasoning powers. He just speaks, and it’s so. And we become His children. No wonder people can’t believe in Supernatural. They have no powers to believe with. They try to reason it out. You’ll never get it. You just believe it. God said so; that settles it”
57-0804a The Great Commission
If ever I had a time of success of praying for anyone, is when I could enter into the fellowship with them, feel their infirmities, feel their conditions. Then something in you goes down beyond the reasoning and prays the prayer of faith for the sick. You’ve got to feel for a man. You’ve got to sympathize with him. You’ve got to be with him before you can help him. Then you enter into some sort of a deepness; it’s the love of God. It’s beyond human love”
57-0806 God Projecting His Love
You cannot accept it by an intellectual thought. That’s intellectual. Your minds will reason, but faith does not reason. If you got intellectual faith, then that’s just a reasoning faith. You’ll say, “Well, if I only was healed, I could get up. If I only was healed, this lump would leave. If I only was healed, I’d feel different. If I only was healed, the doctor would tell me so. But when you’ve got faith, all the doctors in the world could never tell you anything different. You possess that. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
58-0325 Faith By Experience
Usually it takes experience. Many times we try to educate ourself into believing. That’s intellectual. There is a far great difference between intellectual faith and real God sent faith. Intellectual faith reasons. And the Bible said that we should cast down reasoning. Don’t have nothing to do… Don’t try to reason it. Just believe it“
58-0325 Faith By Experience
Reasoning? Why, it would never reason to be right. So we can’t reason it out, or study it? We’ll just only muddle our minds up. And there’s only one way to do, is to have faith that what God promises, God’s able to perform. That settles it. Don’t try to… Say, “Well now, how could it be? We’re living in a modern time.” Keep that out of your mind. Don’t even take the second thought. Just take Him at His Word. You make that decision right now, that what God says, God can keep. It’s not my business to figure it out. Because if I do that, I’m working then in the intellectual realms. God don’t move in the head; He moves in the heart“
59-0418 A Time Of Decision
So don’t try to use your own intellectuals, use your heart. Now remember, you don’t never try to reason; we cast down reasoning. In the garden of Eden, the devil took a man’s head to work through; God took a man’s heart. And the man’s always working to what he can see, and faith makes him believe things he cannot see. But he believes it because God said so. That settles it. That’s just the–the story of faith”
59-0423 Abraham’s Seed
The Holy Ghost comes on one level; that’s you meet God’s requirement. If you ever get It, you’ll come on God’s level and not your own thoughts about It. Satan tries to make it classical, some great something, some big something, intellectual. You have to cast down that reasoning and believe what the Word says about it. Amen“
59-0628e Questions And Answers
The sixth sense, the super sense, O God, pour it out on me. Give it to me and to everyone who needs it. Pour Thy sixth sense into me, Lord. I’m willing to surrender these five, my own knowledge, thoughts, casting down all reasonings, Lord. Let Thy Word be true and every man’s word a lie. Every reasoning, every doubt, be cast away, and let me walk by the super sense, the sense of the Holy Spirit. Don’t you want that? That’s the thing that we want. God bless you, friend. That’s what you need. That super sense will ask for something and it knows that He’ll give it. It’s persuaded, “For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him”
59-1227e A Super Sense
We reason with our mind, but the heart doesn’t reason. The heart just believes. We look with our eyes, but we see with our heart. Do you look… You take something complicated, you say, “I just don’t see it.” You–You mean you don’t understand it. See? Your understanding comes from your heart. You have your understanding”
60-0729 What It Takes To Overcome All Unbelief Our Faith
Now, many times, I know all Christians know this, that people will think, “Well, it just can’t happen, but yet, in my heart there’s something tells me, that it’s going to happen.” Did you ever have that experience, you Christians? Sure, you have. That’s that inside man thinking. It cast down reasons; it doesn’t have anything to do with the reasoning, because with–with God, words should not be reasoned. We cannot reason out God. God is never known by science, never is God known by–by mental powers. God is only known by faith. Knowledge will never get a man to God; knowledge takes him away from God”
60-0729 What It Takes To Overcome All Unbelief Our Faith
Now, in here there’s one, two, three, four, five, five attributes in the soul [spirit—Ed.]. Now, you want to write them down? The first one is imagination, imagination. The second one is conscience. And the third one is memory. And the fourth one is reason. And the fifth one is affection. Now, did you get them all? If you don’t, then let me know now. You got them all down? See, taste, feel, smell, and hear; the body, that’s the open to the body. The soul [spirit—Ed.] is imagination, conscience, memory, reason, and affection, is the senses or the attributes, like the senses of the soul [spirit—Ed.]. And the soul is the nature of the spirit that’s on the inside, ’cause the soul only puts out an atmosphere of what’s on the inside of you. It takes the place of sanctification, the soul is, sets in the same category there. All right, now, every… everybody got that all down? All right”
61-0108 Revelation Chapter Four 3
In the garden of Eden Satan chose his part of the man: his head, his intellectuals. God took his heart. The intellectuals will reason. “Why, well, I’m–I’m this way, and I’m that way.” You’ll never get anywhere with God there. But your heart, your faith will make you believe things that your mind knows nothing about. You cast down reasoning. See, you must be positive, and you stay there until you are positive. Then when you’re positive, there’s nothing can turn you”
61-0205e Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever
As we just got through speaking here a few weeks ago on how that the human system operates, how that there’s five senses that you enter the body by. And then five avenues we call it, five avenues such as–as conscience, imagination, and so forth we enter the soul [spirit—Ed.] by. And then when you enter the spirit [soul—Ed.], there’s only one avenue and that is through self will which bases it back like man was created”
61-0305 Beyond The Curtain Of Time
Now, here he is now. He doesn’t… he doesn’t understand it with his mind. How is he going to do it? His intellects would tell him that. That’s his reasoning. But the Bible said, “We cast down reasonings.” Cast them away from us. Say, “How am I going to get well when the doctor says, ‘Now, I’ve done this… ‘?” That don’t have one thing to do with it”
61-0318 Abraham’s Covenant Confirmed
Now, the outside is the body. There is five gates to that body, and that’s the five senses, of course: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, like the seed that’s planted, the inside of that is the pulp-like of the seed, which is the soul [spirit—Ed.]. There is five gates to that [spirit], you enter into: conscience, and memory, and so forth. But then inside of that little compartment is the third compartment, which is the spirit [soul—Ed.]. And that’s what controls the rest of it. There’s only one avenue through that, and that’s self will. You can accept or turn away, and that’s the only avenue to that. If you accept the will of God through that spirit, God’s Spirit takes His place in your heart and controls the rest of you. And if you do not accept That, then the enemy takes that spot and controls the rest of you. So it lays in that”
62-0119 An Ensign
Now, Father, I pray that if there’s a soul here that knows that they are made up of this triune being, of both soul, body, and spirit, that inside of the pulp that they live in is a spirit. Inside the soul that controls them is a spirit. Inside of the five senses is a spirit. And if that spirit isn’t the Spirit of God, when this other drops away, it can never rise again. But, God, I pray Thee, that they will receive You now, and catch this beautiful Ensign of the Holy Spirit in their heart and be saved tonight”
62-0119 An Ensign
You’ve got… made up of soul, body, and spirit. The outside, which is the body, is controlled by five senses. You enter that body by five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Inside the body is a soul [spirit—Ed.]. That soul [spirit—Ed.] has five gates: conscience, and so forth, memory. But inside of that is a spirit [soul—Ed.]. That’s what controls it all. There’s only one gate to that [the soul—Ed.], and that’s free moral agency, to act: to receive, or refuse”
62-0128a A Paradox
Now, if you’ll sit down when you get home, and draw three little rings. You’ll find out that the outside body has five senses it’s contacted by, and that is see, taste, feel, smell, hear. That’s the five senses that control the human body.
Inside of the body is a soul [spirit—Ed.], and that soul [spirit—Ed.] is controlled by imaginations, conscience, memory, reasons, and affections. That’s the thing that controls the soul.
But, the spirit [soul—Ed.] is, only has one sense. The spirit [soul—Ed.]… Oh, let’s get it. The spirit [soul—Ed.] has one sense, and that sense is, either dominates it, is faith or doubt. That’s exactly. And there’s only one avenue to it, that’s free moral agency. You can accept doubt or you can accept faith, either one you want to work on. Therefore, Satan begin at the principal part, to cause the spirit [soul—Ed.] of man to doubt God’s Word. God begin at the principal part, to lay His Word in that spirit [soul—Ed.]. There you are. That’s what does it”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
We’re so anxious to see things done. We’re so anxious to do something for God. This little lady is no… anxious, no doubt, anxious to live. She wants to be well. Others are here, wants to be well. And when we hear about that case, like the doctor, the resurrection of the dead, the great mighty things that our God has did, then we’re anxious. And the thing of it is, we try to reach through these senses, to grab a hold of something here, like conscience“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
So many people, lots of times, has misconstrued the Word. And I’ve been misunderstood by this, by making altar calls. I said, “I wasn’t much on an altar call,” not meaning that you shouldn’t make an altar call. But somebody get somebody by the arm, say, “Oh, Brother John, you know what? Me and you been neighbors all this time. Come up here at the altar, get down.” What’s he doing? Wish I had a blackboard here, I could show you what he’s doing. He is trying to work through his soul [spirit—Ed.], on affections. That don’t work. That’s not the avenue. Certainly, it isn’t. Maybe he’s working in (the what?) a memory, through the sense of his soul [spirit—Ed.]. “Oh, Brother John, you had a wonderful mother. She died a long time ago.” A memory! See? You can’t do that. It’s got to come down the line of free moral agency. You, yourself, let the Word of God… You don’t come because your mother was a good woman. You don’t come because you’re a good neighbor. You come because that God calls you to come, and you accept Him on the basis of His Word. That Word is what means everything. That Word! If you can get everything out of the way, all conscience, all senses, and just let the Word come in, that Word will produce just exactly“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
Here, see what It’s covered over with? You say, “Well, now,” you say, “well, these, conscience and senses, and so forth, don’t have anything to do with it, Brother Branham?” Certainly, it does. But if you let the Word come in, and cover It over with conscience, then It can’t grow; it’ll be a deformed word. Did you ever see a good grain of corn planted in the ground, and let a stick fall over it? It’ll grow crooked. Any vine, anything that grows up, will, because something has hindered it”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
It must be accepted in the mind, then It’s believed with the heart. Then the Word of God becomes a reality, then every senses of soul [spirit—Ed.] and body is just scoured out with the Holy Spirit. Then your sense of God, your conscience of God, everything that’s godly, flows through you. There’s not a doubt anywhere. There’s nothing can rise up. There’s nothing can come up in the memory, and say, “Well, I remember Miss Jones tried to trust God, and Miss So-and-so. Miss Doe tried to trust God for healing, one time, and she failed.” See? But if that channel has been cleared out and been purged, and been filled on the inside with the Holy Spirit, that don’t even come in memory, no matter about Miss Jones and what she did. It’s you and God, together, and nobody else but you two. There you are. There’s your battle. Kill him at the beginning. Stop him dead in his track. It ain’t how long you can make the war linger. It’s, stop it right now!“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
If you’ll come, and you’ll keep them memories and conscience, and everything, thinking about, “Well, I might fail. It might not be right.” Don’t you do that, at all. You throw aside everything, and open up the channel, and say, “God, Your Word is Eternally true, and It’s for me. If the whole church fails, if the whole world fails, yet I can’t fail, because I’m taking Your Word.” There’s the battle. That’s the thing”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
yWhat was the matter? You had to open the channel, first. You’ve got to get the Soldier, the Holy Spirit, placed at the battlefront, that takes God’s Word. He is the Word. And He stands there, there’s nothing going to stop It then. There’s nothing. Every one of the other channels is cleared out. Just like an old boiler with the flue stopped up; you put a fire in, it’ll blow your thing up. That’s what’s the matter with so many blowed-up Christians, is because that they don’t clean the channels out, they don’t go down to the inside. You’ve got to clean it, conscience, memory, thoughts, laying aside everything, and coming from the inside out, with that unadulterated Word of God, that It’s the Truth.
No matter if ten thousand died on this side, today, trusting; ten thousand died on that side, tomorrow, trusting; that has nothing to do with me. I’m the individual. I’m the one that’s trusting. I’m the one that believes it. And we see back yonder, if we wanted to open up our channels then, if we can, and see. We find this one and that one, and this one and that one, thousands of them, testifying”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
But the Devil will try to come right back. See, if he can get in there, at all, he’s got your army routed right then. If you’ve got your senses, see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, they’re all right, but don’t trust them unless they agree with the Word. They’re all right, but, if they disagree with the Word, don’t you listen to them. Now, imaginations, conscience, memories, reasons, and affections, they’re all right if they agree with the Word. But if your affection doesn’t agree with the Word, get rid of it. You’d blow a flue, right quick. See? If your reason disagrees with the Word, get away from it. That’s right. The engine… If your memory, if your imaginations, if your conscience, anything, disagrees with That what’s on the inside, get rid of it“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
What you got then? You’ve got a solar system. Hallelujah! It’s, God set the stars in order and said, “Hang there till I call you!” They stay there. Nothing’s going to move them. When God can get a man in His hands, till he can get senses, conscience, everything cleaned out, until it stands with God behind it, in the spirit; there’s not a devil in the world can poke a doubt in there. That’s right. He come around and say, “You don’t feel any better.” Your conscience is even gone, to that. The flue is so clear, it shouts, “Hallelujah!” The outlet blows a whistle, “Glory to God!” It shines out, certainly, just as clean and clear, for the Word of God to work through, the Power of God. See? That’s the main thing”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
There’s your battleground. Your battleground is back here at the beginning, back here in the soul [spirit—Ed.], back in your mind that opens. The–the mind is the gate to the soul, the gate to the spirit, rather. Your mind opens up and accepts the spirit, or it rejects the spirit. You can have little consciences, and little feelings, and little sensations, all these things. That has nothing to do with it. That’s just little sensations and things. But when it comes to reality, your mind opens it up. Your mind either accepts it or rejects it. That’s it, friends.
God, let none of them miss it”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
See, it’s your mind that opens up the door; or closes the door, and listens to your conscience, listens to your memory, listens to your affections. But when your mind closes itself to these things, and let God, the Spirit of His Word, come in, It blows the rest of the stuff out. Every doubt is gone. Every fear is gone. Every sensation of doubt is gone. Every feeling is gone. There’s nothing standing there but the Word of God, and Satan cannot battle against That. No, sir. He cannot battle against It. Now, we know that’s true“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
These battles has raged since the day of the garden of Eden, the battle in the human mind. Satan started it. What did he do when he met Eve? He didn’t deny God’s Word, but he whitewashed It. He stopped up some little channels here somewhere. He said, “But surely God…” Genesis 3:1. See? “Surely, God, all these things that He–He–He promised…” He knowed the Word was right. But he knowed he couldn’t just come right out and blast It out, blare like that, but he–he–he sugar-coated It”
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
Like mama used to get us to take medicine, and she’d try to put orange juice in castor oil. My, just rather take the castor oil without the orange juice! Anything that’s hypocritical! See? She… We used to have to get up at nighttime, and she’d give us coal oil, for croup. And she’d put coal oil, and put sugar on it; see, kind of hypocritical. But it’d just burn your tonsils out, nearly, going down, after the sugar left. Well, that’s the way it is, friend. Satan tries to–to be hypocritical about it. He tries to show you something better, a easier way, a more sensible plan. But there is no more sensible plan than that God laid down at the beginning, His Word. Hold that Word. Get a grip on It. Let It get a grip on you. Stay there with It. That’s the–that’s the thing“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
The battle raged when Eve opened up her mind, to listen to her reasoning. That’s the flue it come in. That’s the–the channel it run down, her reasoning. She, in her soul [spirit], she reasoned. Her eyes was sight. She saw the serpent. He was beautiful, handsome, far better than her own husband. He was the most subtle of all the beast of the field, and he was probably a fairer man than her husband. He looked like a great masculine beast standing there. How great he was! And he was trying to tell her what a great thing it was. And first thing she did, she opened up her mind. And when she did, human reasonings caught it. “Why, wouldn’t that be a thrill?” That’s the thing he does to a woman today. Some woman with a lovely little husband, finds some great, big, masculine man. This man will try to opening up the reasons. Remember, that’s Satan. That’s the Devil. Or, vice versa, man to woman, woman to man, either way. What does he do? Work in that reasoning power, the conscience or something, begins to move through“
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
And if one little iota of God’s Word was disbelieved, caused all this trouble, how we going to get back, disbelieving the Word? You can’t do it. Got to shut off all these other things, conscience, memories, and say… reasonings, and all these other things. “Casting down reasonings.” We don’t reason about it, at all, nothing at all. We just accept the Word upon the basis, “God said so,” and sets a stream between you and God. Every channel comes open between you and God, then.”