Calvary Should be Remembered Every day

Calvary is a very Important Day. It should be remembered Every day. Preachers have Preached about it since the beginning of time. Singers have Sang of it, throughout the Ages.
Prophets Foretold it, four thousand years Before it ever happened. Today, we are pointing back to when it happened. It is One of the Most important days that God has ever let to Dawn upon the Earth.
What does Calvary mean to Us? Calvary settled the Sin Question forever. Only Jesus Christ could Pay the debt, penalty or requirement for Sin which was Death. It meant His Death at the Cross of Calvary.
When we come to Calvary it satisfies that Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. The Blood of Jesus Christ washes Us from ALL Our Sins. Then we are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to Live a Righteous Life. Our Lives become Holiness unto the Lord.
The Greatest Price ever Paid was done at Calvary. God Himself was Manifested in Human Flesh and Died the Death.