Billy Paul Branham Biography

Billy Paul Branham Death
When was Billy Paul Branham born?
Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935,
Billy Paul Branham
No one was a closer witness to this end-time Ministry than Brother Billy Paul Branham, Brother Branham’s oldest son. For 14 years, as the traveling companion and personal secretary for his father, he saw first-hand the operation of a prophetic gift and the sign that was sent to vindicate the man, the office, and the ministry.
He was present as thousands of people were healed. He heard Brother Branham tell hundreds of visions and then saw them come to pass. In the words of his father, “God honored Billy Paul.” Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935, to William and Hope Branham. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart.
He was 11 years old when his father began the healing campaigns that took him back and forth across the country and around the world. When he was not in school, he traveled with his father and was even given an official ‘position,’ selling the books and tracts before each service.
One night in June of 1947 at Vandalia, Illinois, the Angel of the Lord appeared visibly in the motel room where Brother Branham was staying. With him were his son, Billy Paul, and his youngest brother, Donny. The prophet asked the Angel if he could wake the boys, so they could witness the angelic Presence that stood before him.
The Angel said, “You can wake up your son, Billy.”
“When I grew older, I asked my dad, ‘How come the Angel of the Lord let me see Him that night?’
I’ll never forget his reply. He said, ‘Because God called you to work with me, son, and He wanted to make Himself manifested to you.’ And I know that from that night in Vandalia on, no matter where we were, I never had to wait to hear Dad say, ‘He’s here.’ I could always tell when that Presence was near.
And today, I believe that same Angel of the Lord is encamped about those that fear His Name.”
At 15, he was attending Bible school in Texas when his father called and asked if he would like to travel with him to Africa. He quit school and never looked back.
For the next 14 years, he was constantly on his father’s side. He was at every meeting, handing out prayer cards to the sick, and at every service, he would escort his father on and off the platform, often when he was barely able to stand after a long discernment line.
He took care of Brother Branham’s personal correspondence, and in 1961 he became secretary/treasurer of the Branham Tabernacle and a member of the board of trustees.
On December 18, 1965, he was traveling just ahead of his father’s car at the time of the accident that would make Brother Branham’s life. He cradled him in his arms as they waited for the ambulance, and heard his father speak his final words on the way to the hospital.
After Brother Branham’s passing, Brother Billy Paul became the president of the newly-formed William Branham Evangelistic Association. He has continued in that capacity, and through his dedication to the furtherance of the Gospel and his commitment to proclaim the Message of the Hour, the missionary and evangelistic efforts of Brother Branham’s Ministry are now reaching into almost every country around the world. He became the vice-president of Voice Of God Recordings in 1981.
He and his wife, Sister Loyce, have two sons, William Paul Jr. and David, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
Billy Paul’s first marriage
Court docket for divorce proceedings between May and Billy Paul Branham
Billy Paul Branham was married on August 11, 1953, to Ollie May Christopher. The marriage license indicates that William Branham, Billy Paul’s father, consented to the wedding. The wedding was officiated by Rev. P.E. Franz. The license was also signed by Julius Poff, an officer of the court.
Billy Paul states that he was born on September 13, 1935, but the marriage certificate states that his birthdate was September 13, 1934.
References: VGR and believe the sign
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